Feedback November-December Flashcards
I myself am very _ (SENSE >> adjective) to loud sounds.
I myself am very sensitive to loud sounds.
NOT разумный = sensible
I’m not sure I would feel _ (COMFORT >> another word) in this room.
I’m not sure I would feel comfortable (COMFORT >> another word) in this room.
feel / sound + adjectives
I’m not sure [for / what / I’d need this] >> reorder the words.
I’m not sure what I’d need this for.
не знаю, с кем могу поехать - who I can go with
не знаю, о чём он думает - what he’s thinking about
не знаю, кому это адресовать - who to address this to
How’s your life in Tashkent?
It _ easier and easier, but on the other hand, my work _ harder and harder.
How’s your life in Tashkent?
It’s getting easier and easier, but on the other hand, my work is getting harder and harder.
‘get’ and present continuous collocate with change
A holiday in the Antarctic is a great deal [exciting or more exciting] than climbing Everest.
A holiday in the Antarctic is a great deal more exciting than climbing Everest.
Going to a desert is nothing like … [good / I’d expected].
Going to a desert is nothing like as good as I’d expected.
Climbing Everest wasn’t nearly [настолько сложным как я ожидала]
Climbing Everest wasn’t nearly as difficult as I’d expected.
[pronunciation and spelling] пустыня
desert /ˈdezət/
[pronunciation and spelling] дессерт
dessert /dɪˈzɜːt/
[a real question about your news] what / you / up…?
What have you been up to?
[add a word] It decidedly better to spend time on a deserted island and I didn’t feel isolated.
[add a word] It was decidedly better to spend time on a deserted island and I didn’t feel isolated.
(or actually, ‘It would be …’?)
[pronunciation] a cafe
BrE /ˈkæfeɪ/
AmE /kæˈfeɪ/
A genuine question about a person’s news:
What have you been _ _ (lately)?
What have you been up to (lately)?
What have you been up to?
Nothing _.
What have you been up to?
Nothing much. Nothing special.
What have you been up to?
Nothing much. It’s been a _ week.
What have you been up to?
Nothing much. It’s been a slow week.
[pronunciation] Slovenian
Maria had a really h_ week. [an exceptionally busy week]
Maria had a really hectic week.
We’re working _ a _ schedule. (= we have a lot of deadlines that we have to meet)
We’re working to a tight schedule.
When it’s too hot, I can _. (потерять сознание)
When it’s too hot, I can faint / pass out. (потерять сознание)
[add a word] Working in extreme cold a little bit easier than working in extreme cold.
[add a word] Working in extreme cold is a little bit easier than working in extreme cold.
I’ve been in extreme cold and in extreme heat - I’d say there’s only a small difference. [reformulate with ‘marginal’]
there’s only a marginal difference
marginally + adjective
marginal + noun
[pronunciation] experiment
I _ (struggle) with migraines for a few days now.
I‘ve been struggling with migraines for a few days now.
This is one thing that I like _ Europeans..
This is one thing that I like about Europeans..
One friend of mine _ (always / go on) about his problems - I find it quite exhausting.
One friend of mine is always going on about his problems - I find it quite exhausting.
You can show emotion through present continuous.
There are a lot of books that _ (я всё собираюсь) to read but I just _ (не хватает времени).
There are a lot of books that I’ve been meaning to read but I just don’t have the time.
or haven’t had the time
When I don’t know whether to read a book, I normally read the _ (short summary) to give me a better idea of what it’s about.
When I don’t know whether to read a book, I normally read the synopsis (short summary) to give me a better idea of what it’s about.
This is actually a health _ (= this is dangerous).
This is actually a health hazard (= this is dangerous).
Of course I wouldn’t like it would be difficult to _ this to them. (= tell someone the bad news)
Of course I wouldn’t like it would be difficult to break this to them.
break the news to someone (about communicating bad news)
I wouldn’t like this, but I would find it difficult to b_ this _ (поднять этот вопрос / поднять эту тему)
I wouldn’t like this, but I would find it difficult to bring this up (поднять этот вопрос)
I wouldn’t tell them they can’t _ (разбрасывать вещи)
I wouldn’t tell them they can’t leave their stuff lying around.
I’d tell them they can’t leave their things lying around.
If they _ (посмели бы) to _ (огрызаться) they’d be out of my flat immediately.
I’d tell them they can’t leave their things lying around.
If they had the guts to talk back they’d be out of my flat immediately.
or ‘if they dared to’..
This is getting on my nerves. Can we do something _ _?
This is getting on my nerves. Can we do something about it?
I think any lie comes _ a cost.
= за всё надо платить
I think any lie comes at a cost.
= за всё надо платить
[pronunciation] beat around the bush
I’m (очень прямая)
I’m very direct. (I’m very straightforward).
Not “я натурал = I’m straight”
[pronunciation] relatives
I’m very good _ walking on eggshells.
I’m very good at walking on eggshells.
[pronunciation] get straight to the point
There’s no nice way for me to say this. I _ (steal) your lunch for a couple of days. Sorry, mate.
There’s no nice way for me to say this. I’ve been stealing your lunch for a couple of days. Sorry, mate.
They _ (сдают) flats.
They rent out flats.
let out flats (BrE)
Сколько вы уже в Новосибирске? (туда)
На сколько вы приехали в Носибирск? (туда)
Сколько вы уже в Новосибирске? (туда) = How long have you been there? (a question about the past => a perfect tense)
На сколько вы приехали в Носибирск? (туда) => How long are you there for?
Don’t beat around the bush»_space; soften by including yourself
Let’s not beat around the bush.
“Listen, I’m not gonna beat around the bush here”. This sounds really s_ (= direct),
“Listen, I’m not gonna beat around the bush here”. This sounds really straightforward (= direct),
[reformulate] I guess that’s a personal characteristic and you can’t change that.
>> I guess that’s the w_ they a_.
I guess that’s the way they are.
You can suggest _ (ему или её купить) it.
[correct the mistake] You can suggest *he or she** buy it.
not ‘him’
suggest + subject (he / she / I) + INFINITIVE
We _ (actually / been) this situation. [ = у меня такое было]
We’ve actually been in this situation. [ = у меня такое было]
the listener doesn’t know when => present perfect
There’s no nice way for me to tell you this, but our management _ (decide) that the company will need to downsize, and it’s highly likely that we might have to let you go.
There’s no nice way for me to tell you this, but our management has decided that the company will need to downsize, and it’s highly likely that we might have to let you go.
or: have decided (because management is a group of people)
the listener doesn’t know when => present perfect
[Do you need a preposition here?] They’re discussing annoying things.
They’re discussing annoying things.
‘discuss’ doesn’t require ‘about’
[find and fix the mistakes] So, it looks like you never had such situations.
Of course I had.
[find and fix the mistakes] So, it looks like you‘ve never been in such situations.
Of course I have. (= have had)
[find and fix the mistake] In reality, I was in this kind of situation only once.
[find and fix the mistake] In reality, I’ve beein in this kind of situation only once.
Some people can work well under pressure, but that doesn’t a_ \__me.
Some people can work well under pressure, but that doesn’t apply to me.
I prefer to k_ _ d_ from people who behave this way. (держаться подальше от..)
I prefer to keep my distance from people who behave this way.
No, actually this _ (happen) twice in my life.
No, actually this has happened twice in my life.
So, you _ (have) such experience?
So, you‘ve had such experience?
This is a very famous café and of course I have no idea what it / call.
This is a very famous café and of course I have no idea what it’s called.
[pronunciation] register
[closest friend] I met them at university and we _ (be) friends for twenty years.
[closest friend] I met them at university and we‘ve been friends for twenty years.
I have no i_ to go on blind dates or on Tinder. (склонность)
I have no inclination to go on blind dates or on Tinder.
[add one word] When I started working, everything changed for better.
[add one word] When I started working, everything changed for the better.
I’ve not only wanted to change my profession - I’ve actually done that.
And how / it / was?
I’ve not only wanted to change my profession - I’ve actually done that.
And how was it?
It’s really _ (хорошо оплачиваемая).
It’s really well paid.
I’m happy it w_ o_ for you. (всё получилось)
I’m happy it worked out for you. (всё получилось)
_ (you / ever forget) an important birthday or anniversary?
If yes, _ (what / you do)?
Have you ever forgotten an important birthday or anniversary?
If yes, what did you do? [=when that happened]
I don’t have very much work experience, but I _ (be) in charge of a small team.
I _ (be) the leader on a project at school.
I don’t have very much work experience, but I’ve been in charge of a small team. [General life experience => Present Perfect]
I was the leader on a project at school.
I _ (choose) my profession before I was ten.
I chose my profession before I was ten.
I _ (already / live) in more than three towns.
I’ve already lived in more than three towns.
I _ (never / be fired).
I’ve never been fired.
I _ (never / live) alone.
I’ve never lived alone.
How many countries _ (you / be) to? When _ (you / go) there? Which country _ (you / like) the most?
How many countries have you been to? When did you go there? Which country did you like the most?
[pronunciation] social media
/ˌsəʊʃl ˈmiːdiə/
/i:/!!! not /e/
I find it hard to work at home because there are too many d_ (отвлекающие факторы).
I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions.
Do you get d_ (отвлекаешься) often?
Do you get distracted often?
I don’t get distracted often, but if that does happen, it takes me a lot of time to p_ m_ _ (прийти в себя).
I don’t get distracted often, but if that does happen, it takes me a lot of time to pull myself together (прийти в себя).
[pronunciation] What do you do to stay focused?
I think I’m gonna turn off _ (оповещения) on my phone after this lesson. ;)
I think I’m gonna turn off notifications on my phone after this lesson. ;)
I’d say I feel depleted every day. Слишком много всего проиходит.
I’d say I feel depleted every day. There’s too much going on.
What types of activities s_ your energy the most? (расходуют)
What types of activities sap your energy the most?
Today I _ a book that I’ve been meaning to read for months.
Today I’ve finished a book that I’ve been meaning to read for months.
or I’ve started reading..
probably not ‘I’ve read’ (unless you really read it in one day)
What was surpris_ for me is that even simple activities like checking emails deplete your energy.
What was surprising for me is that even simple activities like checking emails deplete your energy.
Can you say ‘labour intensive’?
Yeah, _ я слышала этот термин.
Can you say ‘labour intensive’?
Yeah, I’ve heard this term.
life experience => present perfect
[pronunciation] require cognitive effort
BrE /ˈefət/
AmE /ˈefərt/
[add to ‘the’]
[context: talking about work-life balance in IT industry]
Industry works in such a way that you have to work constantly, and this is also part of problem.
[add to ‘the’]
[context: talking about work-life balance in IT industry]
The industry works in such a way that you have to work constantly, and this is also part of the problem.
[fix a communication problem] Please stop bombarding me with your requests.
[fix a communication problem] Please stop bombarding me with requests. (not ‘your requests’)
This is still very direct, btw. A potentially better way would be to
(1) describe the situation: I feel like I’m bombarded with requests and this is really destracting me. (2) suggest a solution: Maybe we could [redirect some of the requests to Maria /etc]
[fix the cultural issue] I’m receiving a lot of notifications during the morning hours, and you’re drawing my attention away from my tasks.
[fix] I’m receiving a lot of notifications during the morning hours, and this drawing my attention away from my tasks.
[talking about a kid - fix the problem] She likes to play _ herself. (сама по себе)
She likes to play by herself.
not with as this means ‘masturbate’
[perfect English or could-be-better English?] I traveled a lot and everyone understood me.
I’ve traveled a lot and everyone understood me.
life experience => present perfect
We’re _ (узнаём) more about their culture.
We’re learning more about their culture.
or finding out
NOT знаем = know
When someone _ (send) me a message and I don’t reply,…
When someone sends me a message and I don’t reply,…
I’m in the process _ (organize) my work routine to be more focused.
I’m in the process of organizing my work routine to be more focused.
[perfect English or could-be-better English?] Tanya, are you easily distracted?
Well, first of all, I switched off all notifications on my phone…
Tanya, are you easily distracted?
Well, first of all, I‘ve switched off all notifications on my phone…
does the listener know when?..
reformulate with how + adjective + we are
I believe that depends on how much we are susceptible >>
I believe that depends on how susceptible we are..
how much + sentence: ‘how much we work’, ‘how much it costs’ etc
[fix the issue] Do you prefer to work in an open-plan office or in a cabinet?
[fix the issue] Do you prefer to work in an open-plan office or in a private office?
not в шкафу - in a cabinet
[add a couple words] I got a very nice advice.
I got a very nice piece of advice.
advice is uncountable!
[written communication] You get a written request and can’t answer immediately.
I’ll check with Jason and отвечу вам, как только будут новости.
I’ll check with Jason and get back to you as soon as I have any news.
[spoken communication] you’re at a meeting with other people and you need to step away
I’ll be right back
brb [in writing]
[spoken communication] Someone brings up a point - you were gonna talk about this in, like, 20 minutes.
- Ack_: (Thanks for b_ this u_)
- Reassure: We’re gonna _ (cover) this point a bit later,
acknowledge - Thanks for bringing this up
reassure We’re gonna be covering this point a bit later,
Could we just finish this and then we’re gonna come back to this point later.
When someone’s trying to interrupt you and you don’t want to let them:
Could I just f_ wh_ I w_ s_.
Could I just finish what I was saying.
I will get back to you r_ that a bit later. (по этому вопросу)
I will get back to you regarding that a bit later.
[pronunciation] episode
[Ted Lasso spitting the water out]
it wasn’t случайно - he did that специально
it wasn’t accidental - he did that intentionally (or on purpose)
[Ted Lasso getting torn apart by the press]
Rebecca _ (вмешалась) to _ (обуздать их).
Rebecca intervened to put them in check.
She _ (обвинила) them of mediocrity.
She _ (обвинила) them of mediocrity.
[add one word]
In this situation, I sympathize Max.
In this situation, I sympathize Max.
Have you thought about stopping reading news altogether? _, you _ find out anything important anyway from social media. And _ feel better.
Have you thought about stopping reading news altogether? I mean, [you would / you’re gonna] find out anything important anyway from social media. And you would feel better.
Fix the issue
Have you thought about check whether you need to do that?
Have you thought about checking whether you need to do that?
Have you thought about buying more toys? I mean, that way she _ play with them and _ stop bothering you, hopefully?
Have you thought about buying more toys? I mean, that way she would play with them and would stop bothering you, hopefully?
[pronunciation] sympathize
Spot and fix a potential communication problem
I was wondering why I’m not getting serious tasks.
I was wondering why I’m not getting more serious tasks.
or more challenging tasks? tasks with more impact?
[finish with your idea]
Have you thought about taking some initiative and finding tasks to do yourself? I mean that way your boss would…
Have you thought about taking some initiative and finding tasks to do yourself? I mean that way your boss would see that you’re capable of dealing with challenging tasks.
When I’m thinking about a hypothetical situation, I always start thinking whether it _ work or not.
When I’m thinking about a hypothetical situation, I always start thinking whether it would work or not.
[pronunciation] hypothetical
[talking about the situation where you’re overworked]
I’d tell the boss that I’m overworked and I need a vacation, and maybe this _ help them notice the elephant in the room.
I’d tell the boss that I’m overworked and I need a vacation, and maybe this would help them notice the elephant in the room.
[talking about the situation where you’re overworked]
Is there any chance you could work more and the company _ pay you extra for that.
Is there any chance you could work more and the company _ pay you extra for that.
[what should be in the gap?
Is there any chance we could discuss _ that tomorrow?
discuss that (no preposition)
Is there any chance we could discuss that tomorrow?
Nervous or stressful?
I had a _ day.
I was very _.
Nervous or stressful?
I had a stressful day.
I was very nervous.
Freelancing doesn’t suit everyone. I _ (try) that twice and I _ (find out) that I prefer to have an employer.
Freelancing doesn’t suit everyone. I’ve tried that twice and I found out that I prefer to have an employer.
[pronunciation] resilient tree
If they company decides to l_ _ _ (= a ‘polite’ way to say ‘fire you’), they might need to pay a severance package.
If they company decides to let you go (= a ‘polite’ way to say ‘fire you’), they might need to pay a severance package.
[talking about massive lay-offs in the US]
This situation _ (уже затронула меня).
[talking about massive lay-offs in the US]
This situation has already affected me (уже затронула меня).
get rid of ‘not’
you might wanna not to argue with us
you might wanna avoid arguing with us
If I own up, they’re gonna _ (оштрафовать меня).
If I own up, they’re gonna fine me.
If you’ve messed up at work, you need to deal with the c_ (= последствия).
If you’ve messed up at work, you need to deal with the consequences (= последствия).
[pronunciation] on a typical day…
[pronunciation] when you do this with a coach..
not диван - /kaʊtʃ/
When you plunge into water with a coach - it’s not scary, it’s actually e_ (= scary but in a fun way).
When you plunge into water with a coach - it’s not scary, it’s actually exhilarating.
/ɪɡˈzɪləreɪtɪŋ/ -
[pronunciation] Can we say that a tornado whirls?
[pronunciation] When I was five years old
/jɪr zəʊld/
What are those?
They were supposed to notify us if anyone of their team left the company for a competitor, but they _ to let us know. [= didn’t let us know]
They were supposed to notify us if anyone of their team left the company for a competitor, but they failed to let us know. [= didn’t let us know]
[a ja]
I believe we m_ be _ _ p_ wh_ you might wanna start looking for a new job.
I believe we might be at a point where you might wanna start looking for a new job.
[pronunciation] surfaces
/ˈsɜːrfɪsɪz/ - notice the stress!
What are your g_-_ Christmas movies? [= something you always watch]
What are your go-to Christmas movies?
/ˈɡəʊ tuː/
only before nouns
Around this time of year, I like to eat _ food and watch _ TV (= something that always makes me feel good)
Around this time of year, I like to eat comfort food and watch comfort TV (= something that always makes me feel good)
[Irony of Fate]
I _ (hate) this film my whole life. I don’t think there’s even a t_ of romance in this whole movie. (ни следа, ни капли)
[Irony of Fate]
I’ve hated this film my whole life. I don’t think there’s even a trace of romance in this whole movie.
Whenever I see ads about the elderly, I feel like I’m being manipulated. I mean, this ad is a bit of a t_-j_.
(= intentionally attempts to make you cry by ‘pressing the right buttons’)
I mean, this ad is a bit of a tear-jerker.
[pronunciation] region
What’s your g_-_ c_ food? (= something that makes you feel good and that you normally eat when you want to feel better)
What’s your go-to comfort food?