Extra vocabulary topics Jan-May Flashcards
He made some s_ _ about men and women, like ‘women are natural caregivers’ — all the usual stereotypes. [= широкое обобщение]
He made some sweeping generalizations about men and women — all the usual stereotypes.
He made some sweeping generalizations about men and women — a_ _ u_ stereotypes.
He made some sweeping generalizations about men and women — all the usual stereotypes.
[pronunciation] stereotype
e.g. ‘He doesn’t conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase.’
He _ some sweeping generalizations _ men and women, like ‘women are natural caregivers’ — all the usual stereotypes.
He made some sweeping generalizations about men and women, like ‘women are natural caregivers’ — all the usual stereotypes.
I had started to regret my r_ promise to cook for everyone. (опрометчивое обещание)
I had started to regret my rash promise to cook for everyone.
You can’t go making a w_ accusation like that with no evidence for what you’re claiming. (нелепое, дикое обвинение)
You can’t go making a wild accusation like that with no evidence for what you’re claiming.
I explained that I wouldn’t be coming to the party because I had to pack for my holiday but he clearly thought it was a f_ e_. (= слабое оправдание, жалкая отмазка)
I explained that I wouldn’t be coming to the party because I had to pack for my holiday but he clearly thought it was a feeble excuse.
I explained that I wouldn’t be coming to the party because I had to pack for my holiday but he с_ thought it _ a feeble excuse.
I explained that I wouldn’t be coming to the party because I had to pack for my holiday but he clearly thought it was a feeble excuse.
‘thought it was’, not ‘it is’
I’m not trying to p_ a f_ with you, son. (= не хочу ругаться с тобой)
I’m not trying to pick a fight with you, son.
Don’t _ _ notice _ him. He was just trying to pick a fight - he loves arguing.
Don’t take any notice of him. He was just trying to pick a fight - he loves arguing.
You can’t _ m_ a wild accusation like that with no evidence for what you’re claiming.
You can’t go making a wild accusation like that with no evidence for what you’re claiming.
also: can’t go making promises like that, can’t go making decisions for other people, can’t go making changes without consulting your colleagues, etc
We ex_ p_ but I didn’t get to talk to him properly. (= обменялись любезностями)
We exchanged pleasantries but I didn’t get to talk to him properly.
/ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒd ˈplezntriz/
[pronunciation] an excuse
NB the pronunciation of the verb is different - with a /z/
I’m not _ for _ (=не напрашиваюсь на комплимент) so you don’t need to contradict me - I genuinely don’t think I’m a very good manager.
I’m not fishing for compliments so you don’t need to contradict me - I genuinely don’t think I’m a very good manager.
BrE /ˈkɒmplɪmənt/
AmE /ˈkɑːmplɪmənt/
I’m not fishing for compliments so you don’t need to contradict me - I g_ don’t think I’m a very good manager.
I’m not fishing for compliments so you don’t need to contradict me - I genuinely don’t think I’m a very good manager.
She said the dress made me look slim, which is a _ compliment when you think about it. (= сомнительный комплимент, двусмысленный комплимент
She said the dress made me look slim, which is a backhanded compliment when you think about it.
She said the dress made me look slim, which is a backhanded compliment wh_ _ th_ _ it.
/ˈbækhændɪd ˈkɒmplɪmənt/
She said the dress made me look slim, which is a backhanded compliment when you think about it.
She keeps d_ h_ _ _ (want) a piece of jewellery for her birthday. (= изо всех сил намекает)
She keeps dropping hints about wanting a piece of jewellery for her birthday.
You can’t go making a wild accusation like that with no evidence _ _ (you / claim).
You can’t go making a wild accusation like that with no evidence for what you’re claiming.
If I were to _ a guess, I’d say she’s about 40. (рискну предположить)
If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say she’s about 40.
If I _ _ hazard a guess, I’_ s_ she’s about 45.
If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say she’s about 45.
When he realised his mistake he _ p_. (стала бурно извиняться - или без конца извинялась)
When he realised her mistake he apologised profusely.
[pronunciation] When she realised her mistake, she apologised profusely.
[pronunciation] He apologised profusely.
Could I just make a t_ suggestion that we make these meetings a little shorter? (= предварительное предложение / я не настаиваю)
Could I just make a tentative suggestion that we make these meetings a little shorter?
I’m feeling a bit e_ about the exam tomorrow. (= nervous, especially about what might happen)
I’m feeling a bit edgy about the exam tomorrow. (= nervous, especially about what might happen)
You have no reason to be a_ of the future.
She was deeply a_ that something might go wrong.
(= worried or frightened that something unpleasant may happen)
You have no reason to be apprehensive of the future.
She was deeply apprehensive that something might go wrong.
Before an exam, I always feel somewhat e_ and tense.
(= nervous, especially about what might happen)
Before an exam, I always feel somewhat edgy and tense.
I was a little a_ about starting my new job
(= worried or frightened that something unpleasant may happen)
I was a little apprehensive about starting my new job
Max d_ a complete b_ during the interview. (= he didn’t know what to say and just kept silent)
Max drew a complete blank during the interview.
Sorry, my mind is d_ a b_ here! (= I don’t know the answer, I have no idea whatsoever)
Sorry, my mind is drawing a blank here!
A: Could you help me with this proposal I’m writing? I think it’s OK but I just need to s_ _ a few points. (= make sure there’s no glaring, obvious mistakes)
A: Could you help me with this proposal I’m writing? I think it’s OK but I just need to sanity check a few points.
‘Max, can you help me do this?’
‘Sorry, I’m a bit sn_ _ at the moment.’ (= I have too much work already)
Sorry, I’m a bit snowed under at the moment.
normally used with adverbs totally / absolutely / a bit, etc
pronunciation: linking! snow-dunder
Sorry, I’m a bit snowed under at the moment, and I have b_-_-_ meetings the whole morning. Can it wait till five o’clock? (= одно за другим, без перерывов)
Sorry, I’m a bit snowed under at the moment, and I have back-to-back meetings the whole morning. Can it wait till five o’clock?
Pronunciation: depends on the position of the word:
I’ve got MEEtings backtoBACK
Be careful, _ (I / say).
The expression you add at the end of a sentence that summarizes the point you’ve been making.
Be careful, is what I’m saying.
Use ‘is what I’m saying’ at the end of a sentence that summarizes the point you’ve been making.
Can you e_ _ that a little bit? (= say more)
Can you elaborate on that a little bit?
/ɪˈlæbəreɪt/ - notice the stress!
[The last sentence after you’ve explained something] Does _ _ s_?
Does that make sense?
Notice that ‘does’ is often reduced
Don’t get married, is w_ I’m _.
The expression you add at the end of a sentence that summarizes the point you’ve been making.
Don’t get married, is what I’m saying.
[Giving examples]
I mean, t_, for example Maria Sanches. She’s - yeah- just like you, straight As, sweet kid.
I mean, take, for example Maria Sanches. She’s - yeah- just like you, straight As, sweet kid.
[Clarification / Explaining things in simple terms]
What is this?
Oh, w_, b_, it’s just a portable cell phone tower that emits a false frequency..
[Clarification / Explaining things in simple terms]
What is this?
Oh, well, basically, it’s just a portable cell phone tower that emits a false frequency..
[pronunciation] basically
/s/ not /z/ (in contrast to Russian); ‘a’ isn’t pronounced
[Clarification / active listening]
An expression used to summarize what you understood
(So, what/ say) all I have to do is want something bad enough and I can get it?
So, what you’re saying is all I have to do is want something bad enough and I can get it?
[Giving examples]
A bicycle? Well, a bicycle, that would take a lot of balloons… and Uncle Jeremy’s a little tired right now… so why don’t we do something l_, l_ s_,a giraffe?
A bicycle? Well, a bicycle, that would take a lot of balloons… and Uncle Jeremy’s a little tired right now… so why don’t we do something like, let’s say,a giraffe?
[Agreeing with a statement]
Sweetheart, you all packed?
Yeah, p_ m_.
Sweetheart, you all packed?
Yeah, pretty much.
/ˈprɪti/ - notice the vowel!