Pharmacy laws can be made by which government(s)?
Local, state, and federal governments.
The first legislation to require purity of the product was the:
Federal Food and Drug Act, 1906.
The legislation which created a “legend” class of drugs was the:
Durham-Humphrey Amendment.
The legislation which was the first to require drug products be effective, as well as safe, was the:
Kefauver-Harris Amendment.
Which legislation used “tax stamps” as a manner to control the use of narcotics?
Harrison Narcotic Act.
Did the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act replace or amend the Federal Food and Drug Act? In what year?
Replaced in 1938.
True or False
An Amendment replaces the original Act, it does not add to it.
An Amendment does not replace the original Act, it only updates it.
Which Act was the first to demand purity of product, the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act or the Federal Food and Drug Act ? In what year?
Federal Food and Drug Act in 1906.
Which Act was the first to demand safety for purpose, the Federal Food and Drug Act or the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act? In what year?
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in 1938.
Which Amendment created the class known as legend drugs, the Kefauver-Harris Amendment or the Durham-Humphrey Amendment? In what year?
Durham-Humphrey Amendment in 1951.
Which Amendment required proof of effectiveness and regulated drug advertising, the Durham-Humphrey Amendment or the Kefauver-Harris Amendment? In what year?
Kefauver-Harris Amendment in 1962.
Which of the following is not an exception to the requirement for locking caps on prescriptions dispensed from the pharmacy?
a) When a patient asks for a non-safety lid
b) When a prescriber asks for a non-safety lid
c) When a pharmacist asks for a non-safety lid
d) When the drug dispensed is an exempted drug
c) When a pharmacist asks for a non-safety lid
This isn’t one of the three exceptions
Manufacturers of certain medical devices were also required to get pre-market approval from the FDA according to which Amendment? In what year?
Medical Device Amendment, 1976.
Did the Medical Device Amendment affect prescription drugs?
Describe the Prescription Drug Marketing Act’s (PDMA) intent. What year was this law passed?
Ensure drugs available for purchase by consumers were safe and effective, and to avoid reimportation of U.S. drugs from other countries.
Which Act amended the FFDCA to establish standards for dietary supplements? In what year?
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA).
Which Act changed the marking on a prescription stock bottle to the Rx symbol we see today?
a) The Harrison Narcotic Act (1916)
b) FDA Modernization Act (1997)
c) Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (2003)
d) Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (1990)
b) FDA Modernization Act in 1997.
What does DSCSA stand for and what is it’s main objective?
Drug Supply Chain Security Act (2013).
Electronically identify and trace prescription drugs traveling across the country.
What was the purpose of the Harrison Narcotic Act? In what year was it legislated?
Tax stamp narcotics to prevent illegal narcotic trafficking.
True or False
If a narcotic was found without tax stamps, it is not subject to seizure.
Any products found without tax stamps were sold illegally without taxation, therefore subject to seizure.
Which Amendment expanded the Harrison Act to include barbiturates and stimulants, and also levied the taxation of narcotics?
Drug Abuse Control Amendment (DACA, 1968).
In ____, the ________ ___ and the ____ _____ _______ __________ were combined under the jurisdiction of the newly formed Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.
Harrison Narcotic Act
Drug Abuse Control Amendment
The Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs was renamed in 1972. What is the name now?
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
What was the last major change made in the controlled drug legislation and in what year did this change take place?
Controlled Substances Act (CSA), in 1970.
True or False
The concept of the DEA number originated with the CSA.
True or False
The CSA did not repeal and replace Harrison and DACA.
It did, relying on regulation of interstate trade for its power.
What was the purpose of the Anabolic Steroid Control Act? What schedule were they placed in and what year?
To recognize the danger of misusing anabolic steroids, listing them as Schedule III controlled substances. 1990.
How did the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act (CMEA, 2005) contribute to prevention of controlled substances?
Created a new list of regulated compounds known as Scheduled Listed Chemical Products (SLCP).
Per the requirements of the CMEA regarding SLCP’s, retail sellers must maintain a log of each sale that includes what?
Purchaser’s name, address, and signature.
Product and quantity sold.
Purchase date and time.
True or False
SLCP’s must be stored behind the pharmacy counter or in a locked cabinet.
How long must a log book be maintained according to the requirements of the CMEA?
Two years from the date of the last sale.
Which of the following is true per the requirements of the CMEA?
a) All employees involved in the sale of SLCP’s must have specialized training.
b) Retail sellers are not obligated to verify the identity of the purchaser
c) Limits the amount of SLCP’s per purchase per month
d) Both a and c
e) Both b and c
d) both a and c.
Retail sellers must verify the identity of the purchaser.
What does OBRA stand for and state it’s objective.
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (1990).
Save taxpayers money by efficiently funding scripts using taxpayer dollars.
State the meaning of HIPAA and it’s relation to pharmacy.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
Patient privacy.
Which of the following was a result of the Medicare Modernization Act, MMA (2003)?
a) Introduced an entitlement for prescription drugs for Medicare Recipients
b) Created the Medicare Advantage health care plans
c) Introduced tamper-resistant prescription blanks
d) Created Health Savings Accounts
e) only b, c, and d
f) only a, b, and d
f) only a, b, and d
The first attempts at controlling narcotics came from the illegal distribution of _______.
Name the Act passed in 1983 that facilitated the development of drugs for rare diseases.
Orphan Drug Act.
Which of the following is not considered a rare disease?
a) Diabetes
b) Huntington’s
c) Myoclonus
d) ALS
a) Diabetes
Which DEA form must be used whenever a Schedule I or II drug is bough, sold or transferred between pharmacies or qualified distributors?
Form 222
Establish which of the following statements are true or false of DEA FORM 222. If false, explain.
a) Forms are only available through the DEA.
b) Errors are not acceptable on the form.
c) In case of an error, the form must be voided, kept on file, and a new form must be used.
d) This form is not necessary for Schedule II-IV drugs.
a) True
b) True
c) True
d) False, this form is not necessary for Schedule III-V drugs