Feb 6 Vision & Audtion Flashcards
What are the two subdivisions of the occipital cortex?
Primary visual cortex & striate cortex
Color Vision plays a role in?
-detection of movement, depth, position
Color vision
primary job of V4
Color bliindness
- mostly in males; x-linked
- caused by a deficiency in the development of retinal cones (RBG)
What are the connections to V1?
Input from LGN
Output from all other levels
What are the connections after V2?
Output to the parietal lobe-Dorsal stream
Output to the inferior temporal lobe- Ventral
Output to the Superior temporal sulcus - STS stream
What happened to Patient TN?
Two successive strokes knocked out V1 in both left & right hemispheres which led to Cortical Blindness
Lesions to V1 produce
Cortical blindness in the visual field
They cannot name the object in the lesioned field, but they can react to it unconsciously
Apperceptive Agnosia
They cant redraw the drawing but can correctly identify the object
What does apperceptive agnoisa result in
bileraly damame to the lateral parts of the occitpal
Associate agnosia
They can redraw correctly but not identify them
What does associate agnosia results from?
lesions to the anterior temporal lobes
Audtiory Nerve
Carries auditory info from the ear to the CNS
Cochlear nuclues
First neurons in the medulla that recieve nueural messages from auditory receptors via the auditory nerve