Fawzia Corrections Flashcards
Layers spinal needle goes through
Subcutaneous tissue
Supraspinatus ligament
Interspinous ligament
Ligamentum flavum
Dura mater
Subdural space
Arachnoid mater
Subarachnoid space
Bone lesions in MM
Dorsiflexion of foot root
L4 (L3/L4), medial sensory loss, knee reflex lost
Dorsiflexion of great toe
L5 (L4/L5), dorsal foot sensory loss, no reflex lost
Plantarflexion of foot
S1 (L5/S1), lateral foot loss, ankle reflex lost
Annular pancreas
2nd part of duodenum
Cause of dark, pigmented gall stones
Unconjugated bilirubin
Acidosis bicarbonate level
Which artery is the most likely additional source of blood supply to the territory of the inferior
mesenteric artery?
Middle colic artery
Acute renal transplant rejection cell
T-cell mediated
Heart valves and murmurs
Sepsis SVR
Decreased and CO increased
Tracheostomy performed via the
second, third and fourth tracheal rings. Which intervening structure is most likely to
require transection?
Thyroid isthmus
Loss of foot eversion and sensation loss?
Superficial peroneal (fibular) nerve and sensation on dorsum of foot
Loss of foot dorsiflexion and what sensation loss?
Deep peroneal (fibular) nerve, 1st webspace
Why do you using inulin for GFR?
It is filtered and not reabsorbed (note not secreted)
What part of the brain is the facial nerve in?
2,2,4,4, (CMPM, cerebellum, midbrain, pons, medulla)
Primary vs secondary hypothyroidisim
Primary - TSH high
Secondary - All parameters low
Parotid tumour. A biopsy reveals extensive
perineural invasion.
Adenoid cystic Ca
Cardiac muscle
Contraction is triggered by an influx of Ca through the sarcolemma
Conus Medullaris
What is the
ligament (of the proximal radio-ulnar joint) that holds the radial head in place?
Annular ligament
Cardiogenic shock
Reduced stroke volume
Opthalamic artery
Comes off internal carotid
Dermatome nipple, umbilicus, LA hernia
T4, T10 and L1/T12
A diagnosis of varicocele
is made. Which vessel is involved?
Testicular vein
Subclavian steal syndrome
Stenosis of the subclavian artery proximal to the first branch
Post-hernia repair loss of sensation + loss of motor function
Sensation - ilioinguinal
Motor - Femoral
Trigeminal branches (foramen)
V1 (Opthalmic) - Superior orbital fissure
V2 ( Maxillary) - Foramen Rotundum
V3 (Mandibular) - Foramen Ovale
Anterior to lateral malleolus
Knee reflex root
In the popliteal fossa, which of
the following structures is closest to the capsule of the knee joint?
Popliteal artery
The external inguinal ring is a defect in?
External oblique apopneurosis
Granulomatous inflammation on biopsy
Crohn’s Disease
Crypt formation
Fixed and dilated left
pupil-. Which of the following accounts for the pupillary signs?
Compression of oculomotor nerve parasympathetic fibres
What is the principal cause underlying reduced coronary artery blood
Decreased diastolic interval
Lymph + thyroid Ca
Papillary Ca
Vomiting ABG
Hypokalaemic alkalosis
Which of the following best accounts for the action of the counter current multiplier?
Impermeability to water in thick ascending limb
What is the best prediction for morbidity and mortality after
Which one of the/following statements is true of the
right ventricle?
Is directly related to the diaphragm
Which one of the following regarding the anatomy
of the ring finger is correct?
Has a cutaneous innervation from the radial nerve
The common iliac veins join to form the inferior vena cava at
which vertebral level?
He has a body mass index (SMI) of 41 and a risk of perioperative hypoxia. Reduction
of which of the following volumes or capacities is this risk most likely to be due to?
Functional residual capacity
Ileum resection vitamin
Decreased B12+ vit K
Which one of the following
statements is true about the effects and availability of vitamin K?
Affected by resection of terminal ileum