refers to the universally familiar state
of weariness or exhaustion resulting from physical or
mental exertion.
although it connotes more of an inability or disinclination
to be active, physically or mentally.
Meaning of fatigue
(1) biochemical and physiologic changes in muscles and a reduced capacity to generate force manifest as __________
(2) a disorder in behavior, taking the form of a reduced output of work____________ or a lack of endurance; and
(3) a subjective feeling of tiredness and discomfort.
weakness, or asthenia;
(work decrement
findings associated with neurasthenia
The usual associated
symptoms are anxiety, irritability, depression, insomnia,
headaches, dizziness, difficulty in concentrating, reduced
sexual drive, and loss (or sometimes increase) of appetite
fatigue and intolerance of exercise (i.e.,
fatigue with mild exertion) are prominent manifestations
of __________
myopathic disease
type of glycogen storage disease, __________________is exceptional in that fatigue and weakness are
accompanied by pain and sometimes by cramps and contracture
McArdle phosphorylase
___________is at times associated with disproportionate
weakness and fatigue of respiratory muscles,
which leads to dyspnea and retention of carbon dioxide
maltase deficiency,
__________ is a common complaint among patients with postconcussive
drugs associated with fatigue
blocking agents, antiepileptics, antispasticity drugs, anxio
lytics, chemotherapy and radiation therapy and, paradoxically,
many antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs.
complains of severe fatigue for many months or even
years after a bout of infectious mononucleosis or some
other viral illness
postviral fatigue syndrome.
what is chronic fatigue syndrome
disabling fatigue for at least 6 months,
coupled with an arbitrary number (6 or 8) of persistent or recurrent somatic and neuropsychologic symptoms including low-grade fever, cervical or axillary lymphadenopathy, myalgias, migrating arthralgias, sore throat, forgetfulness, headaches, difficulties in concentration and thinking, irritability,
and sleep disturbances
___________ is the structure most implicated by the loss
of endurance and the presence of associated symptoms
such as orthostatic intolerance, tachycardia and some of
the endocrine changes
best tx for fatigue syndrome
They are probably best treated with
gradually increasing exercise levels and perhaps with
antidepressant medication
In the _______________ the patient is suddenly overwhelmed
by feelings of apprehension, or a fear that he
may lose consciousness and die, have a heart attack or
stroke, lose his reason or self-control, become insane,
or commit some horrible crime
panic attack,
Episodic o r sustained anxiety without a disorder of
mood (i.e., without depression) is classified as __________ or formerly, anxiety neurosis
anxiety disorder,