Fantasmas del pasado Flashcards
I became happy.
Me he puesto contento
I didn ´ t sleep a wink.
No he pegado ojo
I’m knackered;
Estoy muy hecho polvo:
We’ve arranged to see each other; we’ve agreed to meet or go out together at a certain place and time.
Hemos quedado
I want to stay home.
Quiero quedarme en casa
She has become a translator.
Se ha hecho traductora
Working freelance; on her own.
Trabajar independientemente, por su cuenta:
(He) fell ill; (he) got sick.
Se ha puesto enfermo
The parents of one’s spouse.
Strolling hand in hand.
Paseando de la mano
I lay down for a while on the Couch
Me he echado un poco en el sofá
I began to clean.
Me he puesto a limpiar
I have felt weird.
Me he sentido raro:
By chance; by coincidence.
Por casualidad
I don’t use it anymore.
Ya no lo uso
Stuck (attached) with adhesive.
Pegadas con pegamento
In short; in a nutshell.
En resumidas cuentas
It isn’t worth the trouble.
No vale la pena
I’m turning it over and over in my mind.
Estoy dándole vueltas a la cabeza
From time to time; every now and then.
De vez en cuando
It has gotten very late.
Se ha hecho muy tarde
(They) gave me a strong desire to see her again.
Me dieron muchas ganas de volver a verla
At around five thirty in the morning.
A eso de las cinco y media de la mañana:
Without (my) realizing.
Sin darme cuenta
Even more.
Aún más
Her mother always liked me.
Yo a su madre le caía bien
We broke up.
Dejamos de salir
I never got along well with him.
Nunca me llevé bien con él
I ended up getting really nervous.
Acabé poniéndome muy nervioso
It made me feel a little embarrassed.
Me dio un poco de vergüenza:
The guy.
El tipo:
Grouch; curmudgeon
He has turned into a bit of a grouch (curmudgeon).
Se ha vuelto un poco cascarrabias:
María has been living in London since January of this year.
María lleva desde enero de este año viviendo en Londres:
Very surprising; mind-blowing.
I was stunned.
Me quedé de piedra
I have always missed her.
Siempre la he echado de menos
I must confess.
Tengo que confesar:
I stopped thinking about her.
Dejé de pensar en ella:
chance, luck, coincidence.
A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then.
Ya ha llovido mucho desde entonces:
As soon as.
En cuanto:
That doesn’t matter now.
Eso ahora no importa:
Old times.
Los viejos tiempos:
It took me two hours.
He tardado dos horas:
¡Qué guay!:
That’s so cool!
It’s my fault.
Es mi culpa:
I cut ties with everything and everyone.
Corté con todo y con todos:
I’m dying to see you.
Me muero por verte:
I went to a lot of trouble.
Me ha costado mucho trabajo:
Just the right words.
Las palabras justas:
That was fast!
¡Qué rapidez!:
To bother (someone).
There’s something fishy going on around here.
¡Aquí hay gato encerrado!:
We were a couple.
Fuimos novios
I never paid heed to what my friends said to me.
Nunca hice caso de lo que me decían mis amigos
To find out.
To kidnap.
The kidnapped person.
The kidnapper.