Famous personalities in biology Flashcards
Was the philosophical study of nature and the
physical universe that was dominant before the development of modern
science. It is considered to be the precursor of natural science
Natural philosophy or philosophy of nature
Thales of Miletus
Father of natural philosophy
“Father of Biology and Zoology”
“Father of Ancient Taxonomy”
Father of medicine
Black bile; Yellow bile; Blood; Phlegm
Theory of four humours
“Father of Cytology” and coined the term cell
Robert Hooke
“Father of Microscopy”
He is the first person to observe protozoa and bacteria and calls “animalcules”
- little animals
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Father of genetics
Gregor mendel
Father of botany
“Father of Modern Parasitology”
He challenged the Spontaneous Generation Theory
Francesco Redi
What is spontaneous generation theory?
suggested that living things arose from
non-living things
Coined the term survival of the fittest
Herbert Spencer
He discovered the circulation of the blood
William Harvey
He was the first to perform public dissection on a human corpse, a practice
that was unusual in the Middle Ages due to spiritual beliefs
Andreas Vesalius
He was an ancient Greek physician anatomist, and philosopher.
He discovered that arteries carry blood.
Aelius Galenus or Claudius Galenus (Galen or Galen of Pergamon)
“Father of Modern Taxonomy”
He is the one who formalized the modem system of naming organisms called
binomial nomenclature
Carl Von Linne
This formal system of naming organisms consists
of two Latinized names, the genus and the species. Genus and species names
are always italicized.
Binomial Nonclemature
He is best known for his Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics
and the Theory of Use and Disus
Jean Baptiste Lamarck
He said that all plants are made of cells; a botanist.
Matthias Schleiden
He said that all animals are made of cells; a zoologist
Theodore Schwann
He said that cells came from pre-existing cells
Rudolf Virchow
He discovered the nucleus within cells. He is also famous for his discovery of
the Brownian movement
Robert Brown
“Father of Evolution”
Charles Darwin
The book of Charles Darwin. He made his studies
in evolution on Galapagos Island with his ship HMS Beagle. He published the
book in December 1859
On the origin of species
It is the process by which organisms change over
time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits. Changes
that allow an organism to better adapt to its environment will help it survive
and have more offspring (differential reproduction)
Natural selection theory
He is the first person to discover the smallpox vaccine. The word vaccine
comes from the word “vacca” which means cow
Edward Jenner
“Father of Bacteriology”.
He formulated the Germ Theory of Disease and discovered Bacillus anthracis
and Tubercle bacillus.
Robert Koch
Germ theory of disease - He proposed that microorganisms (germs) can lead
to a disease
Robert Koch
“Father of Microbiology”
He discovered the process of pasteurization
Louis Pasteur
It is a process in which water and other substances are
treated with mild heat to eliminate pathogens and other harmful microbes
“Father of Antibiotics”
He discovered Penicillin
His accidental discovery was known as “serendipity”
Alexander Flemming
It is an antibiotic drug (antibacterial) and made by a fungus, Penicillium notatum
“Father of Mutation”
Hugo de Vries
States that living organisms can develop changes to their
genes that greatly alter the organism. These changes are passed down to the
next generation, and lead to the development of new species
Mutation theory
She discovered the structure of DNA in 1953 using X-ray diffraction
Rosalind Franklin
They discovered in 1953 the twisted-ladder structure of DNA
Francis Crick and James Watson
He introduced the “antiseptic technique”, which includes steps and
procedures to prevent contamination from pathogens or disease-causing
Joseph Lister
“Father of Marine Microbiology”.
He discovered living organisms in extreme ocean depth and 65 species of
Claude Ephraim Zobell
He is the one who crystallized the “Tobacco Mosaic Virus”
Wendell Meredith Stanley
It is the process of transforming the components of a virus into
organized particles to describe their structure and other characteristics using
an X-Ray crystallography technique
He was a geneticist, botanist, and pharmacist from Denmark. His 1903 “pure
line” genetics studies are what made him most famous, along with his use of
the phrases gene, phenotype, and genotype
Wilhelm Johannsen
He coined the term “genetics”
He used the study of sheep to develop many of the fundamental
ideas that make up the field of genetics
Imre Festetics
He coined the term “scientist”
William Whewell