Family Code Flashcards
Non-Parental consent to treatment for medical, dental, psychological, surgical treatment
- grandparent
- adult sibling
- aunt or uncle
- school (enrolled) w/ written consent
- adult in control with written consent
- court with jurisdiction
- adult responsible under jur. of court
- peace officer w/ lawful custody - immediate medical
- TYC - contact guardian and they did not refuse
Consent Form
What info needs to be on it?
In writing and signed by person giving consent
- name of child
- name of/or both parents
- name of person giving consent with relationship
- nature of treatment
- date of treatment
What information needs to be on the consent form?
- Name of Child
- Name of BOTH parents
- Name of person giving consent w/relationship
- Nature of treatment
- Date of treatment
When can a child give consent?
- Parents on active duty
- 16 years old, runs away from parents, manages own money
- Consent for infection disease (AIDS, communicable, contageous)
- Unmarried and pregnant OTHER THAN abortion
- Drug addiction treatment
- Unmarried and parent of a child in their custody (for the child)
- Parent in TDC
- Unmarried and pregnant
Examination w/o Consent of Abuse or Neglect
- Doctor, Dentist or Psychologist having grounds to believe that a child’s physical or mental condition has been adversely affected due to abuse or neglect may examine a child without any consent.
May include x-rays, blood tests, photos and penetration of tissue.
No examination allowed
Dr cannot examine a child without consent if:
- 16 or older & refuses
- For when consent is prohibited by court order
Define medical professional
Doctor, nurse, P.A. Or EMT
Investigations 261.301
CPS shall make a prompt & thorough investigation of a report of child abuse or neglect by a person that is responsible for a child’s care, custody or welfare:
- Respond immediately to a report of abuse that involves circumstances in which DEATH or SBI will occur unless the dept interviews
- Respond within 24 hours to a report of abuse of neglect that is proscribed the HIGHEST authority
- Respond within 72 hours, if assigned the SECOND highest authority
Conduct of Investigation
- Visit to house
- School
- Any other place
- Can include exams (medical, psych)
- Can transport but CPS should attempt to notify parents
- Can interview w/parents, other children (exam of other children)
- Interview shall be video & audio taped.
M-B if person (parent) shows up & tried to interfere with investigation.
Conducting CPS Investigation
- Visit to house
- School
- Any other place
- Can include exams (medical, psych)
- Can transport but CPS should attempt to notify parents.
- Can interview w/parents, other children (exam of other children)
- Interview shall be video & audio taped
M-B if any person shows up & tries to interfere with the investigation
Interference w/ Investigation 261.3032
Person moves, temporary or permanent, during the course of an investigation in busy without notifying CPS
Anonymous Report 261.304
- Conduct preliminary investigation
- May include home visit
- Need evidence to corroborate the report of abuse or CPS may not conduct the thorough investigation required by this chapter.
Accepting a Child 262.004 (voluntary surrender)
A law enforcement officer or juvenile probation officer may take possession of a child w/o a court order on the voluntary delivery of the child by a parent.
After taking the child, they shall cause a suit to be filed no later than the 60th day.
Abandoned Children 262.008
CPS may assume care & custody of a child:
- Abandoned w/o ID
- Who’s ID cannot be learned by reasonable search
CPS shall immediately file suit for a termination of parent-child relationship
Removal of alleged perpetrator
- CPS conducts and investigation
- if child is safe in home w/others, CPS shall get a court order for a temporary restraining order to remove the perpetrator
- Good for 14 days
M-A if person in home does not protect child
M-A for perp to return
F3 if there was a prior conviction
Taking a child in emergency w/o court order
- Police
- Juvenile Probation
- May take immediate possession of a child W/o court order:
- Immediate danger to child
- Info of another that is corroborated by personal knowledge that there is immediate danger.
- Either personal or info from another that is corroborated that sex abuse is taking place.
- Using a cont substance and it causes an immediate danger to the child
- Making meth at the location
Release of child by LE or Juvenile Probation
Juvenile Probation
If they take a child w/o court order, may release to:
- Child placement agency
- Any person authorized by law to take the child.
Petition after child is taken in emergency 262.105
When a child is take w/o a court order, CPS or person shall:
- File a suit affecting the parent-child relationship
- request court appoint an attorney ad litem for child
- Request a hearing no later than the 1st working day after the child is taken. 13 days @ longest or child will be returned
If CPS files suit terminating the relationship, suit will be filed no later than the 45th day
False Report of Child Abuse
SJF unless there is a previous conviction, then it is a F3
Civil penalty of $1000.00 to attorney general
Failure to report abuse
SJF if victim is retarded living in state home & actor knew victim suffered SBI
Consent to counseling
A child may consent to counseling:
- Suicide prevention
- Chemical addiction
- Sexual, physical or emotional abuse
A doctor, social worker or counselor that believes that a child has been sexually, physically or emotionally abused, is thinking of suicide or has a drug problem can:
- Counsel the child w/o consent of the child’s parents.
Name change order
It’s in the interest of the person & of the public
Felony or sex offender can if:
- Certificate of Discharge for at least 2 years, or
- Off of probation for at least 2 years, or
- Been pardoned
Sex offender must notify the Chief of Police or Sheriff that has jurisdiction & provide proof to the court.
Name change of Adult
- Name & place of residence
- New name requested
- Reason for change
- Whether felony convictions or sex offender
- DPS or FBI fingerprints on file needed
- Name, sex, race, DOB, DL for 10 years SSN, FBI or State ID number of known
- Offenses charged above M-C
- Case #, Court # if warrant was issued above M-C
Parental Liability
Parent is liable for property damage caused by:
- Negligent conduct of child if it is attributed to negligent failure of the parent
- Willful and malicious conduct of a child
10 years to 17 years old
Authorization Agreement
Which relatives can sign
Between Parent and Relative
- Grandparent
- Adult sibling
- Adult aunt or uncle
Parent or both parents enter into an authorization agreement to authorize:
- Medical
- Dental
- Psychological
- Surgical
- Immunizations
- Medical and Car insurance
- Enrollment in school or day care
- Sports enrollment
- D.L.
- Job
- Public benefits
Contents of Authorization Agreement
- Name and signature of relative
- Relationship to child
- Relative’s address and phone number
- Same info for parent or parents
- Statement giving authorization and agreement of both
- Statement that no court or other has jurisdiction
- No custody or court issues
- Court gave written approval with :
- county
- # of court
- Cause # - Change of address for either party
Authorization Agreement warnings and disclosures
Agreement is void unless a copy is mailed to a parent that was not a party to the agreement and that parent’s rights have not been terminated.
no later than 10th day after signed
No right of a relative to agree to an abortion
Execution of authorization agreement
Signed and notarized
Must have written order if there is pending litigation, custody, etc.
Termination of authorization agreement
If either party terminated in writing:
- Written notice to other
- Files with County Clerk’s Office
- child resides
- child resided at time of A.E.
- relative resides, and
- clerk of each court for litigation, etc.
Either parent can void w/o the other’s consent
M-B for false statements, duress or misrepresentations
Family Violence
- Assault or Assault by Threat against a family member or member of household.
- Abuse (261.001)
- Dating Violence (has had a dating relationship)
Who may file for a Protective Order?
- Adult member of family or household
- Dating Violence - Adult member of dating relationship
- Any adult may file for PO to protect a child from FV
- Prosecuting Attorney
- Dept of Protective and Regulatory Services (CPS)
Protective Orders - how long are they valid
Up to 2 years
If time period is not stated, must wat 1 year before filing motion
If it expires while in prison, good for 1 more year after release.
More Protective Order
Hearing - unless reversed by applicant, court has 14 days to set a hearing
IF a PO applies to each person, a separate PO shall be issued to each, not one covering husband and wife.
If person is required to undergo counseling as required, that person has 60 days to file an affidavit that they will begin class.
Ex Parte Order
Can be issued immediately if there is clear danger
Good for 20 days and upon request can be extended an additional 20 days
Any individual affected can file a motion to vacate the order. ASAP for date of hearing
Exclusion from residence:
Applicant must have lived there within 30 days of application. The person excluded committed FV within 30 days of application.
Define “Dating Relationship”
Relationship between two people who have or had a continuing relationship of a romantic or intimate nature based on:
- Length of relationship
- Nature of relationship
- Frequency and type of interaction
Define “Family”
Dating Relationship - Romatic or intimate (71.00213)
Persons related by blood or marriage (71.003)
Former Spouses (71.003)
Parents of the same child (71.003)
Foster Child & Foster Parent (living together or not)
Define “Household”
From (71.005)
Unit with persons living together without regard to whether they are related.
Define “member of a household”
From (71.006)
Includes a person who previously lived in a household.
Define “Consanguinity” (573.022)
Two people are related if:
- One is a descendant of the other
- They share a common ancestor