Family Flashcards
Couples Therapy
Objective is to resolve conflict and break out of destructive habits
Family Therapy
Usually due to a member of the system having troubles
In family therapy is the aim to remain stable and to reach equilibrium
in family therapy refers to maintaining a balance between stability and change
some family members are forming an unhealthy coalition against another family member
a diffusion of boundaries - there are intrusions where there should not be any. It is as if one member of a family is trying to live through another member of that family
refers more to family structure than to behavior
removal of the child so that all attention is withdrawn as well
forcible manipulation of a person to do what you want the person to do
Premack principle
states that more probable behaviors will reinforce less probable behaviors
a behavioral technique that involves successive approximations of a desired behavior being reinforced as a means to teach a desired response
Family systems theory
Each family members behavior affects everyone elses
Salvador Minuchin
Structural Family Theory
Focus is on the structure of the family system (enmeshment and disengagement)
Virginia Satir
Conjoint Family Therapy
Involved in communication patterns and meta-communications
Haley & Madanes
Integrate Family Therapy
Involves languaging;
Symbolic Family Therapy
Involves boundary setting, developing family nationalism, and separating & rejoining
Haley & Madanes
Strategic Family Therapy
(Also known as Problem Solving Therapy)
focuses on how family use or abuse power, how they fail to communicate effectively & clearly, and how a symptom serves as a protection against something that is painful
Sensate Focus Exercises
are used to eliminate performance anxiety by instructing the couple to engage in touching that is nonsexual or nonerotic. The thought here is that if the couple can feel comfortable with thouch then sexual erotic touch will not be as threatening
looked at goals of behavior, social interest, and overcoming feelings of inferiority
a psychoanalytic family therapist who looked at unconscious motives and early relationships
Urie Brofenbrenner
Ecological Systems Theory Microsystem Mesosystem Exosystem Macrosystem Chronosystem
National Provider Identification
Nationally recognized number that insurance companies use to reimburse providers.
… pioneered in the early 1940s by MIT mathematician Norbert Weiner to investigate the process of aiming a gun to hit a moving target.
Gregory Bateson adapted the theory to apply it to family systems.
feedback loops
a “cybernetics” concept that suggests a self-correcting component of family systems
morphostasis & morphogenesis
ability to balance stability & ability to change respectively