Counseling Theory Flashcards
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Albert Ellis
Behavior Therapy
{Skinner / Bandura (neobehaviorist)}
Behavior Therapy - focuses on:
* Observable behavior
* Current determinants of behavior
* Learning experiences that promote change
* Tailoring treatment strategies to individual clients
* Rigorous assessment and evaluation
Radical behaviorism
places primary emphasis on the effects of environment on behavior
Skinner’s Perspective
Maintained too much attention had been paid to unobservable (i.e. “state of mind” & “motive”) and not enough to observable (e.g. “environmental factors”)
Albert Bandura (b1925 - )
Pioneered work in “Social Modeling” in work at Stanford
Demonstrated that modeling is a powerful process that explains diverse forms of learning "Social Cognitive Theory" has its roots in Bandura's study of "social learning theory" (KL6110-20)
B.F. Skinner (b1904 - d1990)
can be considered the “Father” of the behavioral approach to psychology
Classical conditioning
(respondent conditioning) - pairing some neutral stimulus with something that elicits a response (think Pavlov)
* Wolpe’s systematic conditioning
Operant conditioning
a type of learning that takes place influenced mainly by the consequences that follow them (techniques are used by practitioners in parent education and weight management)
Social Learning Theory
Involves a triadic reciprocal interaction among
- Environment
- Personal Factors (beliefs, preferences, expectations, self-perceptions, interpretations)
- Individual Behavior
Cognitive Behavior Theory
Focus is on changing the clients’ cognitions (thoughts & beliefs) that maintain psychological problems
Jospeh Wolpe’s “Behavioral Analysis”
a functional assessment that looks at current environmental events
Operant conditioning technigues
APPLIED BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS: OPERANT CONDITIONING TECHNIQUES * Reinforcement (goal is to increase target behavior)
: Positive reinforcement - addition of something of value
: Negative reinforcement - avoidance of aversive / unpleasant stimuli
: Extinction - withholding reinforcement from a previously reinforced response
* Punishment (aversive control) - (goal is to decrease target behavior)
: Positive punishment - an aversive stimulus is added after behavior
: Negative punishment - an aversive stimulus is removed after behavior
Systematic desensitization
Joseph Wolpe Systematic desensitization (based on the principle of classical conditioning) engage in progressively more anxiety-arousing situations while simultaneously engaging in behavior that competes with anxiety
- Anxiety hierarchy - through interaction with client the therapist constructs a ranked list of situations that elicit increasing degrees of anxiety or avoidance.
Arnold Lazarus
pioneer in clinical behavior therapy
Robert R Carkhuff
Empathic understanding in interpersonal processes
1-not attending
2-subtracts noticeable affect
3-feelings expressed by Counselor are basically interchangeable with CL
4-adds noticeably to affect of CL
5-CO adds significantly to affect and meaning even in CL’s deepest moments
Victor Frankl
Father of logotherapy (“healing through meaning”) Which is based on existentialism
Glasser’s “genetic needs”
Survival Love & Belonging Power Freedom Fun
Perl’s layers of neurosis
Phony layer Phobic layer Impasse layer Implosive layer Explosive layer
Glasser’s “genetic needs”
Survival Love & Belonging Power Freedom Fun
Perl’s layers of neurosis
Phony layer Phobic layer Impasse layer Implosive layer Explosive layer