Family 1 - Couples Flashcards
Who argues that housework only began as a gendered role during the industrial revolution?
Pahl, 1948
What does Talcott Parson’s say about the family?
Men have instrumental role (breadwinner)
Women have expressive role (home, children and emotions)
This is based on biological differences and is mutually beneficial
What does Elizabeth Bott (1957) say about the family?
There are:
Segregated conjugal roles (male breadwinner, female housemaker, different activities, seen in working class)
Joint conjugal roles (couple shares housework and childcare and leisure time, seen in middle class)
What is Willmott and Young’s view on family and why?
March of progress (getting better)
Symmetrical families emerging - more similar roles (women work, men HELP with housework)
Found amongst younger couples, who are geographically or socially isolated and more affluent
What are Willmott and Young’s reasons for the march of progress?
Changes in women’s societal position (more working)
Geographical mobility
New technology and labour saving devices
Higher standards of living
Whats Oakley’s view on family?
Rejects March of Progress and say they remain unequal
Argues women are still doing more of housework (men only ‘helping’ show its still a womans responsibility)
What are Oakley’s research findings?
15% of husbands had a high participation in housework
25% high level in childcare (but only in nicer aspects)
Men do more pleasurable household tasks
Other research that supports Oakley?
Warde - women 30 times more likely to do washing and men 4 times more likely to wash the car
Office for National Statistics - women spend 2.5 hours per day on childcare/ men spend 1 hour
Boulton - only 20% of husbands have a major role in childcare
What are beanpole families?
Multigenerational with not many aunts or uncles
Here because of ageing population and lower birth rate
What is the reconstituted family?
Parents who are divorced remarrying others and blending the families
What does Gershuny say about housework in correlation to work?
No work -> 83% housework
Part-time -> 82% housework
Full-time -> 73% housework
Longer in paid work = more help from husband
Who argues couples are becoming more equal and why?
Gershuny (1994) - shift in norms and values
Crompton (1997) - women earning power (money)
Sullivan, Willmott and Young - march of progress
What is Oakley’s dual burden?
Women now required to do paid and unpaid work
What is the support of the dual burden?
Arber and Ginn (1995) - full day childcare essential for women to work
Ramos (2003) - unemployed father and employed mother do same amount of housework
Elston (1980) - survey 400 couples, both doctors, 80% mothers took time off work to care for sick child, only 2% of fathers did the same
Whats Duncombe and Marsden’s triple shift?
Paid work
Unpaid housework
Emotional work
What does Southerton (2011) also argue mothers have to do?
Organise ‘quality time’
Which households have more equal divisions of labour and what’s the evidence?
Homosexual cohabiting families
Dunne (1999) lesbian couples more likely to:
-Share childcare and housework equally
-Ascribe equal importance to their careers
-View childcare positively
She believes this is because an ingrained gender script doesn’t exist
What are the two theoretical explanations for division of labour?
Different family types?
Nuclear Lone parent Reconstituted (parents have children from different marriages) Beanpole (many generations not many siblings) Empty nest (children left home) Living together apart Matrifocal (women at the centre) Symmetrical (equal roles) Cereal packet family Co-habitation Single person household