Familjer, stress och neglect Flashcards
Vilka tre typer av stress finns det?
Positiv - En normal och viktig del av en hälsosam utveckling (ex första dagen i en ny skola) Bra för en, ökar motståndskraft och självförtroende, man utvecklar coping förmågor.
Tolererbar- Respons på en mer allvarlig stressor,sker under en begränsad tid (ex en närstående dör). man anpassar och återhämtar sig oftast men det finns potential för långvarig fysisk eller emotionell skada.
Toxic - Att uppleva en strak, frekvent och eller långvarig motgång, ex fysisk eller psykisk misshandel. Möjliga livslånga förändringar så som hjärtsjukdomar, alkoholism, problem med minnet, depression cancer etc.
Hur är HPA-axeln relaterad till stress?
Part of the stress response system
Leads to both short term stress responses as well as long term changes to brain function and structure through epigenetic processes if stress is chronic
Hur påverkar föräldrar stress?
Parental “buffering” can lessen the impact of other social or environmental risk on physiological dysregulation
But external stressors can negatively affect parenting
And parents can even be a source of stress for children during development, for example due to:
Family conflict
Hur är physiological synchrony relaterat till stress
Physiological synchrony between parent and infant typically has positive outcomes, e.g.g helping the infant to regulate emotions, develop self regulation
But stress can also be “contagious” from parent to infant via physiological synchrony
Waters et al. 2014 showed that when mothers experience short-term stress (giving a speech in front of strangers) and later hold their infants in a neutral situation, the infant takes in their stress, resulting in altered physiology and behavior
Hur påverkar maternal depression barnet?
Children of depressed mother experience compromised perceptual and cognitive functioning during childhood
Processing and discriminating faces and facial expressions
Information processing speed
Learning of contingencies
School readiness
Score lower on standardized development scales
The negative ramification of maternal mental health for infant cognitive development have been observed as early as 5-months of age, with lasting consequences in childhood IQ as well as brain architecture
Importantly, the differences are more due to parenting environment than heritability
Vad fick man för fynd från studien i Bhutan
Infants in high quality social environments were buffered from the negative effects of maternal mental health
There was no relation between attention and maternal mental health for these infants
These findings suggest that while high levels of maternal mental health problems may negatively affect the critical development of infant visual attention, positive social environment acts as a buffer
Thus interventions for mothers struggling with high levels of mental health concerns should include improving the familial social environment of the newborn
Hur hänger SES ihop med stress
Economic status and social factors that impact mental health and psychical development and have been implicated in a host of linguistic, memory and attentional functions and underlying brain development in childhood.
Samban mellan trauma och stress
Events that cause our stress response system to get overwhelmed
It’s not the event itself but rather our reaction to it
The likelihood of experiencing trauma increases under difficult social contexts, such as living through war or becoming a refugee
Children can experience the stressful effects of trauma in three different ways:
Directly: First hand trauma experiences
Indirectly: Via parenteral transmission, parent emotion and behaviour, descriptions of trauma experiences
Combination of both
Hur kan föräldrarna hjälpa vid trauma?
The importance of parenting after trauma:
Provide emotional support
Scaffold positive coping mechanisms so that children may be less impacted by these traumatic experiences
Organised meaning or explanation of traumatic events
Parents experiencing high levels of PTSD themselves are less able to provide this type of parenting
In a recent study of syrian refugees living in turkey researchers found that children of mothers with high levels of PTS had general emotional processing deficits
Just a 4% reduction of mothers self reported PTS was equivalent to one years of social cognitive development in children
A parents ability to cope directly impacts children and in the case of extreme stress, such as trauma, provides an essential buffer
Vilka skyddsfaktorer finns det?
-Låg känslosamhet
-Positivt självkoncept
Familjen och samället:
-Liten familj(<4 barn)
-Maternal kompetens
-Nära band till vårdnadshavare
-Stöttande syskon, mor/farföräldrar, lärare
-Prosociala organisationer(kyrkor, sportklubbar)
-Kompetenta vänner
Vad är coping? Beskriv olika typer av coping
Conscious effort to deal with stressful situations
Problem-focused - change the situation
Seek instrumental support
Remove/decrease the source of stress
Plan how to best handle the situation
Expressing feelings
Seek emotional support
Vad finns det för insatser som kan ges? Från föräldrar?
Från samhället?
Parenting interventions:
Improve parenting behaviours
Treat parental depression
E.G. screening for problems with paediatricians/BVC and recommendations to take part in programs
Community-based interventions :
Healthier and more accessible community spaces
High quality affordable childcare
Equating school quality across SES/communities