families and households Flashcards
Toxic childhood due to technology and cultural changes
e.g junk food and computer games
UNICEF 16/29 children’s wellbeing
Postman + A03
Childhood is disappearing at a dazzling speed due to disappearance of unsupervised games and growing similarities between adults e.g crime from children
print culture
middle ages - illiterate
ARIES -information hierarchy- sharp division between adults who can read and children who cannot, gave adults power to keep knowledge about violence, sex, death etc
TV blurs this distinction between adulthood and childhood as it doesn’t require special skills to understand
-Opie and Opie, childhood games stand the test of time
Age patriarchy, adult domination and child dependency
Childhood and adulthood once were the same
Parsons + A03
expressive and instrumental roles
based on biological differences
wilmott and young
joint and segregated conjugal roles
Wilmott and Young + A03
mop view, progress = gradual
roles are now more similar than once were as:
-women work
-men help with housework
-leisure time spent together
within London study they found this as more common among young couples.
They see this rise of new family as a result of social change
-women’s changing position
-geographical mobility
-new technology
-higher living standards
Oakley- exaggerated
15% husbands housework
25% husbands childcare
Feminist view on housework
-women unequal within family
-women = subordinate and dependent role
Warde and Hetherington - sex-typing domestic tasks still relevant today
e.g wives 30x more likely to be last person to have washed up and husbands 4x more likely to be last to wash car
dual burden
women burdened with housework and paid work
new man
helps with domestic tasks and childcare, rejects sexism
triple shift
Duncombe and Marsden
emotional work
paid work
Feminist view on couples becoming equal
not equal 2012, men do 8hrs housework a week vs women’s 13 hrs
dual burden
triple shift
no new man
Crompton and Lyonette
unequal division of labour and supporting evidence
cultural/ideological explanation
-determined by patriarchal norms, women perform domestic tasks because society expects them to
evidence for cultural:
-Gershuny, couples whose parents had equal relationship too were more equal (passed down norms)
-Dunne lesbian couples had more symmetrical roles due to absence of gender scripts
material/economic explanation
-women earn less so economically rational for them to do more housework
evidence for material:
-Kan, for every £10,000 a year more a woman earns she does 2 hours less housework per week
Money management
Phal and Vogler
allowance system
-men give wives an allowance which they are required to budget
-both have access and joint responsibility of expenditure when it comes to income
Decision making
very important e.g moving house made by husband
important e.g children’s education made jointly
less important e.g food purchases made by wife
PLP on money
focuses on the meanings couples give to those who control money
we presume its a sign of inequality but this isn’t correct
Smart- same sex couples, attach no importance to who controlled money and happily allow their partners to
Weeks- co independence, sharing but each have independent accounts
Dobash and Dobash
police and court records and interviews with women
found violent incidents could be set off by what a husband saw as a challenge to his authority e.g his wife asking why he was home late for a meal
marriage legitimises violence by upholding dependency on wives
Walby and Allen
women more likely to be victims of multiple incidents of abuse and sexual violence
Official stats
understate true extent of the problem becayse..
-victims unwilling to to report to police (Yearnshire, 35 assaults before making a report , least reported violent crime)
-Police and prosecutors may be reluctant to record, investigate and prosecute cases reported (Cheal, reluctance is due to the fact that police and other state agencies aren’t prepared to become involved in the family due to making 3 assumptions: 1-private sphere, 2-family is good so dark side is neglected, 3-individuals are free agents so women are free to leave if being abused)
Radical feminist explanation
emphasises role of patriarchal ideologies, cultural values and institutions
Millet, Firestone
family and marriage = key institutes in patriarchal society and main source of women’s oppression
Men dominate women through DV and this is inevitable
-fails to explain female violence
-Faith robertson elliot, not all men benefit from violence against women and not all men are aggressive
Materialist explanation
focuses on economic and material factors such as inequalities in income and housing
Wilkinson and Pickett, DV is result of stress on family members caused by social inequalities e.g low income have bigger money worries leading to stress and restricted money leading to a smaller social circle reducing support under stress
those with less power, status and wealth are at greater risk to DV
-don’t explain why women rather than men are the victims
-Marxist feminists agree, Ansley women are takers of shit
most important feature of modern childhood is separateness
childhood is a clear distinct life stage which is emphasised through laws
golden age, quarentined
childhood is not universal and is socially constructed
modern western notion of childhood
special time of life
golden age
separateness - Pilcher
children’s lack of skills and knowledge lead to the need for socialisation
cross-cultural differences
non-industrial societies, children were treated differently from western counterparts in 3 ways
1-take responsibility at an early age (Punch’s Bolivia study shows when children are 5 they begin work)
2-less value on obedience to adult authority (Frith, Tikopia, doing as they are told is a concession to be granted not an expectation)
3-sexual behaviours (Trobriand tribe, children encouraged to explore sexual behaviours)
Aries and Shorter
Historical difference of childhood
Aries-middle ages- childhood didn’t exist (paintings)
children seen as ‘mini adults’ with same duties e.g law made no distinction between
Shorter, parental attitudes were also very different as high death rates encouraged neglect e.g referring to child as ‘it’ or using the same name for all children
Emergence of childhood
Aries- emerged from 13th century
-schools specialised in education for the young
-distinction in clothing
-handbooks on child rearing
‘cult of childhood’
‘century of the child’
Reasons for changing position of children
-laws restricting child labour
-compulsory schooling
-children’s rights
-decline in family size and imr
Postmodernity - childhood is not disappearing
childhood was preparation to become a productive adult
childhood is once again undergoing change from modernity to post modernity
relationships now more unstable, divorce common generating feelings of insecurity and as a result strengthening need for protection of children
surveillance is heightened
-overgeneralising, implying all children are in the same position
child cantered family
higher living standards
by age of 21 child has cost parents £227,000
Conflict view
argue mop view that modern childhood is based on a false and idealised image that ignores important inequalities
criticise mop on 2 grounds:
1-inequalities among children
2-inequalities between children and adults are greater than ever through control, oppression and dependency.
inequalities among children
don’t all share same status or experience 90% low birth weight born in developing world
gender differences, e.g bedroom culture
ethnic differences, e.g Bhatti found ideas of izzat could be a restriction of the behaviour of girls
class differences, e.g born into poor families more likely to die in infancy
Inequalities between children and adults
Firestone and Holt, what mop consider to be protection is just forms of control
e.g protection from paid work just stops children’s independence leaving them powerless
neglect and abuse- childline over 20,000 a year
control over space- ‘no school children’ signs in shops
control over time- control routine e.g bedtime, meal times
control over bodies- hairstyles, clothing, piercings, washed, fed, smacked
control over access to resources- schooling and laws ensure economically dependent on adults
Hockey and James
acting up- swearing, drinking
acting down- baby talk, being carried
Murdock functions of the family + A03
(theories of family)
4 essential functions
1- socialisation (into societies norms and values)
2-economic (e.g food and shelter)
3-reproductive (without this society would not continue)
4-sexual (prevents social disruption)
- could be easily performed by other family types
- rose tinted view, neglects conflict
Parsons functional fit
(theories of family)
The functions that the family perform will depend on the society in which it’s found
2 types of family structures = nuclear and extended
the structure and functions of a family type will ‘fit’ the needs of society.
modern industrial society (nuclear family)
pre industrial society (extended family)
industrial society has 2 essential needs:
1- geographically mobile workforce (PI lived in same place, but in industrial industries constantly move which is easier for nuclear rather than extended)
2- socially mobile workforce (constantly evolving technology means talented individuals need to take on the most important jobs regardless of backgrounds. Industrial society status is not ascribed but down to individual efforts. Best for nuclear as if son gets better status than dad it could cause conflict at home)
results in nuclear family which is structurally isolated from extended kin
Parsons Loss of functions and 2 essential ones
(theories of family)
pre industrial family = multi-functional unit e.g family farm
when society industrialises it loses functions
family ceases to be a unit of production, work moves into factories and they become a unit of consumption
as a result nuclear family specialises in 2 essential functions:
1- primary socialisation
2- stabilisation if adult personalities
Inheritance of property
(theories of family)
earliest classless society = primitive communism (no private property but means of production owned communally)
no families but promiscuous horde as Engles states whereby theres no restrictions on sexual relationships
increased wealth came with the introduction of private property, this change brought about patriarchal nuclear family
monogamy = essential due to inheritance of private property, men had to be certain of their legitimate heirs
Assumes nuclear family is dominant
Ideological function of the family
(theories of family)
Family performs key ideological functions for capitalism
socialising children into the idea that hierarchy and inequalities are inevitable
parental power asserts idea there always has to be someone in charge and prepares them for capitalist lifestyle
offers safe haven from capitalist world, offering them a private life yet this is an illusion
Ignores benefits of family (functionalist) e.g warm bath
Family as a Unit of consumption
(theories of family)
capitalism exploits workers
family generates profits for them
‘keep up with the Jonses’
Pester power
overestimates power
Marxist perspective on the family
(theories of family)
1- ideological function
2- inheritance
3- unit of consumption
Liberal feminist
(theories of family)
campaign against injustice for women
e.g sex discrimination equal pay (allow employment)
divorce reform (marital rights)
family planning act (reproductive rights)
gradually being overcome but not there yet
other feminists- fails to challenge underlying causes of women’s oppression and believes law change will make difference
Marxist feminist
(theories of family)
Main cause of women’s oppression is capitalism
Women’s oppression performs functions for capitalism:
1- reproduce labour force
2-absorb anger(Ansley)
3-reserve army of cheap labour