Families 👨👩👦👦 Flashcards
What are the 7 types of families ?
Nuclear - mum dad dependant children
Same sex - gay/lesbian parents and dependent children
Beanpole- long line of older generations and only 1 younger one
Reconstituted family- divorce and remarried- stepbrothers/sis/mum/dads
Extended- several generations living together
Lone parent-one parent and dependent children
Why is there an increase in one person households ? Give 3 examples .
People living longer as healthcare and the standers of living is increasing
Students from abroad
Live apart from partners
Why are friends becoming the new families?
- People are more likely to go to friends for help as they are too embarrassed or ashamed too.
- Friends- provide emotional support and nurturing
- Are less judgemental
Eg more likely to pick up pieces of a failed relationship
What are the criticisms of friends becoming family?
They are becoming like family, but won’t replace them .
Why are children put in secure homes ?
May be dependent on drugs or alcohol.
How may the structures of families change over time ?
Solo living - living by yourself
Empty nest family- parents living tog et her as their child are now independent
Student house hold
Newley weds just married
How do different ethnicities have different family structures?
More likely to live alone -Caribbean- women headed houses holds
Asian- patriarchal, extended family
What are MC families more ?
Egalitarian- equal women have more say compared to WC families
What did the Rapoports and Rapoports find out about families?
That family diversity exists
What where the 5 types of diversity found in families that the Rapoports and Rapoports found?
Organisational- conjugal roles segregated or joint and social networks with extended family
Cultural diversity- each family has different cultures and beliefs and ideas about canalisation and gender roles
Class- if WC more traditional roles of MC a more egalitarian
Life course - if just married more likely to be a nuclear family than a empty nest family or live in a student house hold (think of flow diagram of life choices and how it effects the family structure)
Cohort- your tolerance for certain stigmas - eg an older family may not accept a child born out of wedlock whereas a younger family would
What are communes ?
A house hold where men woman and children live together normally die to political beliefs or environmental
Communes are used to help raise equality between men women and children -> cat as the head of the house
What are kibbutzims?
Jewish settlements where families live . Children over 15 leave their biological parents and live in a large children house where they all learn and eat together
What is chinas one child policy ? What was it changed ?
In cities , married couples where not allowed to have more than one child. If they did they will face social exclusion including being fired from their jobs
This was chinas way to deal with the overpopulation occurring
However , china slowly developed an ageing population that where slowing dying, leading to now available workforces to contribute to china’s economy.
So now Chinese couples are allowed 2 children
Why does parsons believe that the nuclear family has lost its function?
The certain needs of clothing and food are being met by other agents out side of the family
What does parsons believe that family is vital for ?
The formation of human personalities
Parson believes that human personalities are not born, they are but though primary socialisation
Once they are produced they need to say stable (stabilisation of adult personalities)
What are the 4 ways Delphy and Leonard found out that wives are being exploited?
- The way their labour is used by their husbands
- Financial dependancy on husband
- Unvalued for work
- Being at a subordinate position from their husband
What occurred within segregated relationships?
Husband and wife spent little to no time together
Very ridged roles such as the women doing expressive stuff and the max doing instrumental
They have separate interests and have different friends out side the home
How did Willmot and Young describe the symmetrical family ?
Joint conjugal roles though there where very opposite but did the same about eg man- dIY and women - childcare
Family became more home centred and the extended family was no longer included . Spent free time together. Couples also becomes more warmer and centred.
Financial decisions become more joint
And money become more shared than spent
The man stay more at home due to the rise of technology as entertainment becomes home base eg. Family need TV to be fixed ect
How did Willmot and Young describe how the symmetrical family will continue to spread?
Stratified diffusion - changed from the higher classes trickle down to the lower classes
What are Willmot and Young’s reasons for the symmetrical family ?
- Rise in feminism - women are going out and gaining a career rather than being a trad wife , decreasing the chance of their unpaid labour to be exploited.
- Rise in contraception- wine can choose when to have a child and combine it with their career
- Women getting more jobs within paid employment makes them more financially independent giving them the equality and status to have a say both inside and outside their home
- Change in interest- tech- men more likely to stay at home and fix it
What are Ann Oakley’s criticisms of the symmetrical family ?
Does not trust the quality of Willmot and Young’s findings -> believes men are given the praise to easily eg. Men washes dishes once and is called a ‘good’ husband and women’s paid work has a huge impact on their roles at home
What did Scott and celery feel like women feel?
Like the to the most in the house and care for others unlike the men
There are far more dual workers that have the double shift of child care and work unlike men- this leads for an unfair competition within the workplace as men have a higher chance as they have less stress and work load at home
What did Gatrell find out about conjugal roles with heterosexual couples?
Men are now more involved with child care than before , some of them did not have a father and want to be different within their child’s life
There’s tension between sharing the child caring role
Women do not what their maternal roles to be eroded and feel like men ‘cherry-pick’ the nicer child roles to avoid washing up .
She believes if men what to divide parenting time they should divide households chores equally as well
What does Delphy and Leonard think power is distributed?
Unequally- sue to mans power and dominance over women
man exploits women and woman is completely dependent on mans money as the family is hierarchical and patriarchal
What did Pahl investigate about power within married couples with dependent children ?
30 /102 families still have husbands which still hold financial control within the family however it is much less than how it was in the past.
However , Pahl found out that a mother and child can still be in poverty however then man can keep all the money and be fine
What is domestic abused viewed as in the family?
A way to dominate and gain power and control over another , making them feel subordinate. Could be psychological or sexual
Why may some domestic abuse victims not report ?
Social construct- may be male and be ashamed as they are not so called masculine enough to protect themselves
May not see themselves as the victim
Think it’s a personal matter
What are conventional families ? (Ann Oakley )
Families that consists of a married heterosexual couple and 2 or less dependent children within a district domestic unit
Nuclear !