Fad Diets Flashcards
“goals” of popular and fad diets
1) immediate, dramatic, lasting weight loss
2) improved appearance & enhanced performance
3) health and wellness
4) broad spectrum disease cure and disease prevention
5) treatment for specific diseases
signature characteristics of fad diets
*promise easy, dramatic results
*hyped by charismatic individuals, or adopted/promoted by celebrities
*based on un-proven, controversial, or misapplied scientific premises
*associated with/require proprietary products, supplements, special tests
*efficacy claims are anecdotal and/or testimonial; little or no hard evidence
*author has discovered the hitherto unknown (or covered up) EVIL food(s)
categories of fad diets
- very low carbohydrate (<10%) ketogenic diets
- high protein (>20%) low carb or low fat diets
- very low fat (<10%) high complex carb diets
- clinically proven diets
examples of very low carbohydrate (<10%) ketogenic diets
*protein power
Atkins & Keto diets - description
*ketogenic weight loss diets
*very low carb, very high fat content
Atkins & Keto diets - premise
*ketosis suppresses hunger and mobilizes fat for gluconeogenesis
Atkins & Keto diets - pros
*very rapid initial weight loss (H2O)
*high fat intake enjoyable (at first)
*urine ketones monitor compliance
Atkins & Keto diets - cons
*limited food selection -> boredom
*high saturated fat intake not heart healthy
*very rapid rebound weight gain
examples of high protein (>20%), low carb or low fat diets
*South Beach
*sugar busters
paleolithic diet - description
*proports to emulate the ancestral hunter-gatherer diet humans consumed before the development of agriculture
*high protein, moderate fat, less carbs
paleolithic diet - premise
*mismatch between (static) genetic evolution and appearance of foods from animal husbandry, agriculture, and food processing causes modern diseases
paleolithic diet - pros
*proscribes refined sugars, highly processed foods, “junk” foods
*compatible with low carb, gluten-free, and lactose-free diets
paleolithic diet - cons
*premise is not supported by recent anthropological and genomic data
*high intake of red meats and fats
south beach diet - descriptions
*3 phase weight loss diet
*high protein, low glycemic index carbs
south beach diet - premise
*insulin sensitivity is restored by eliminating high glycemic index carbohydrates
south beach diet - pros
*rapid weight loss in phase I
*wide range of food selection
*easy to follow (unlimited/limit/avoid)
*recipes contributed by local chefs
south beach diet - cons
*weight loss slows in phase II and III
examples of very-low fat (<10%) high complex carbs diets
ornish diet - description
*anti-ASCVD; health promotion
*very low fat, low protein, plant based
ornish diet - premise
*eliminating diet cholesterol & saturated fat lowers LDL -> reverse ASCVD
ornish diet - pros
*exercise and stress reduction are an integral part of the program
*high fiber -> satiety -> weight loss
ornish diet - cons
*requires very strong motivation
*vegetarian menus not for everyone
blood type diet - description
*diet Rx based on ABO blood type
O: 40% protein, 40% carbs, 40% fats
A: 20% protein, 70% carbs, 10% fats
blood type diet - premise
*ABO type is a genetic surrogate that identifies archetypical diets
*eating “wrong” foods causes ilness
blood type diet - pros
*first diet to incorporate genetics
*prescribes personalized diets
*all diets (each blood type) eliminate processed foods
blood type diet - cons
*ABO evolution postulate is incorrect
*little evidence that ABO genes interact with diet to affect disease susceptibility, health, or metabolism
characteristics of good diets
*balanced protein / carb / total fat:
-decrease: high glycemic index carbs, saturated fat, and salt
-increase fruits, veggies, grains, and monounsaturated fat
*teach healthy food selection, preparation, and PORTION CONTROL
*provide nutrient information, recipes, menus, peer support
*include lifestyle modification (increase exercise, decrease alcohol, decrease stress
*make limited, cautious claims
*provide evidence of efficacy
*don’t cause rapid weight loss
DASH diet - description
*designed to lower blood pressure (later: lower LDL and lose weight)
*premise: HTN can be controlled by limiting sodium intake while increasing intake of K+, Ca++, Mg++ rich foods
Mediterranean diet - description
*traditional cuisine of the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea
Mediterranean diet - premise
*Mediterranean populations have low incidence of many chronic diseases
*following these dietary patterns will confer similar health benefits
Mediterranean diet - pros
*balanced macronutrient distribution
*emphasis on fish, veggies, monounsaturated fat
*wide variety of food styles / recipes
*does not prohibit any food groups
Mediterranean diet - cons
*fresh fish can be expensive
*requires planning and increased prep time