What relates to the ability of a shore installation to perform its mission within the constraints of personnel, equipment, facilities, and operating funds?
what permits the evaluation of facility condition in relation to mission and resources assigned?
Facilities management
Facility readiness evaluation can only be determined by proper condition assessment. The shore facilities inspection program, as presented in what, is the basis for determining facility condition?
SECNAVIST 11014.11A directs whom to implement DOD Directive 4615.2, and to exercise centralized and coordinated general management and control of the real property maintenance activities program?
what is the one division in the publics work department whose entire effort is directed towards facilities managment?
What office provides interface between the public works department and the NAVFACENGCOM CONTRACTS OFFICE?
publics work office
who generally directs and coordinates all matters pertaining to maintenance, utilities, and transportation division operations?
shops engineers
Standard public works department organizations are prescribed in what?
What are CNO-Designated PWDs at naval shore activities which provide a full spectrum of public works services?
The FME division should be organized around two major functions; work management and what else?
Work generation
what instruction identifies command responsibilities for shore activity land and facilities?
CNO instruction 11000.16
what dod directive, has directed, in part, that all services implement a program for maintaining and repairing, in cost effective manner?
DoDD 4165.2
Work center scheduling is both a weekly and a daily operation. it starts when the work center supervisor receives the the work center schedule? which is what form?
NAVFAC Form 9-1014/27
changes that cause a job to be added or deleted from a shop load plan should be approved by whom or his/her designee?
Public works officer
A master schedule board should provide a minimum of how many weeks scheduling?
what type of scheduling is finding the shortest time and or the most efficient time it will take to complete the job?
Critical path
what is centrally located visual focal point where job status review can take place?
Master schedule board
the master schedular develops the scheduling plan on the job schedule, which is what form?
NAVFAC 9 9-11014/26
what is the basis for the master schedule?
shop load plan
what commits shop personnel to work efficiently in advance of execution to assure optimum coordination of personnel, materials, jobsite, and equipment?
shop scheduling
master scheduling firmly commits the shop forces available for specific job orders, or if the minor designation is not used, what percent of the total personnel available for specifics?
75 percent
master scheduling is the orderly establishment of a time frame for completing each job subject to master scheduling, and the assignment of the jobs on what basis within shop forces capabilities?