The three categories used by the NCF are?
- Direct labor
- Indirect labor
- Readiness and training.
Direct labor includes all labor expended directly on assigned construction tasks, either in the field or in the shop,
which contributes directly to completing the project.
indirect labor?
Indirect labor includes all labor required to support construction, but does not usually produce an end product
itself. Therefore, this time is not reported under a project number, but under an indirect labor code as follows
Readiness and training?
Readiness and training are comprised of functions related to preparation for and execution of military exercises,
disaster preparedness, mobility, and technical training. Training includes attendance at service schools; factory
and industrial training courses; fleet-type training; special Seabee training courses; safety training; military
training; and any organized training conducted within the unit
project management process normally begins at what level?
unit level. this
directive provides the who, what, when, where, and why of a particular project and may be in the form of an
Military engineers use the?
six-phase construction project model
Project Package?
The project package, also referred to as a project folder, is a critical part of project management. It is the
permanent record of everything that occurs on the project from start to closeout. Operations is responsible for
maintaining the official copy of the project package. The project supervisor is responsible for creating and
maintaining an on-site project package for the entire duration of the project. This on-site project package is turned
over to operations for incorporation into the official copy upon completion of co
Lead element is responsible for?
for the quality, safety, and timeliness of the construction effort and directs
support elements accordingly.
Support element?
is responsible for schedule coordination and resource assignment in sufficient quantity
and quality to accomplish the assigned project.
A milestone represents?
. A milestone represents a decision point, a major
accomplishment, or a deliverable. The milestones form is routed through the project manager to the operations
officer for approval of milestone dates.
Master activities are used to develop construction management?
Level II Gantt charts
what are the 3 levels of gantt charts?
Level 1 - Project List
Level 2 - individual project master activities
Level 3 - individual project construction activities
Level III?
ilitary engineers use the Level III Gantt chart to plan, schedule, and monitor/control the
day-to-day operations of the project. A Level III chart is maintained for each project. The Level III is
similar to the Level II in format, but goes into greater detail. The horizontal timeline specifies days; the
vertical line items are construction activities for the project. The Level III provides a plan for project
supervisors to accomplish project tasking. Project supervisors update the Level III Gantt chart daily. At the
end of each two-week period, project supervisors plot the actual percent completed on the Level II Gantt
Level II?
Military engineers use the Level II Gantt chart for an individual project plan as well as to control
and evaluate progress. The horizontal timeline specifies weeks for the entire duration of the project; the
vertical line items are master activities for individual projects and reflect allocated manpower resources.
Level I?
Military engineers use the Level I Gantt chart as the primary management tool to integrate efforts
and manage overall unit tasking. The horizontal timeline for a Level I specifies months; the vertical line
items are individual projects and reflect total MDs planned and/or expended
Man day formula?
MDs = Quantity of Work/Unit Size × Man-hours Required per Unit Size/8 Man-hours per Day
logic network?
The project supervisor and assigned crew leaders construct a logic network that graphically illustrates the
construction activity sequence from start to finish as well as the interdependencies among activities
Primary purpose is to show overall project duration and to identify the critical path.
The critical path represents the group of construction activities that must be started on time and completed within
the duration in order to finish the project by the scheduled completion date.
The DD Form ____ is the legally established method for
transferring ownership of Government real property; it provides the host base real property office with the
information needed to add the facility to the base real property records
DD form 1354
Project supervisors are responsible to conduct the following daily crew briefings?
- Daily Production Briefing
- Quality Control Measures.
- Stand-up Safety Lectures.
who is responsible for implementation of safety and environmental protection plans?
project supervisor
Project Logbook?
The project supervisor maintains a logbook documenting events and daily actions on the jobsite in order to have
an accurate record and a basis for an assessment of the project status. Events and actions must be written down
before they are forgotten
Construction Activity Summary Sheet perform two primary functions?
- Resource management support for linking resources (e.g., support plan actions, labor, tools, equipment,
material) as determined in the detailed planning phase to the project schedule - Official documentation of actual project execution statistics as part of the project package
Two-week Schedule
wo-week schedule, also referred to as weekly goals, is the primary management support tool the project
supervisor uses to manage near and far horizon coordination and planning
Project supervisors set goals and use the two-week schedule to achieve three functions:
Plan, communicate, and accomplish
who ensures all tools, excess materials, and equipment are properly cleaned, inventoried, and returned to the proper outlet?
project supervisor
what indicates the project was not ready to transfer to the client?
Excessive punch list
the project supervisor keeps project drawings updated during construction to reflect which condition?
what designed for managers to implement actions to transfer and close out a completed construction project?
Project phase 5
what is the primary management support tool the project supervisor uses to manage near and far horizon coordination and planning?
two-week schedule
which type of Gantt chart is primary visual scheduling tool a project supervisor uses to schedule and monitor progress of a projects construction activities?
Level 3 or Level III
which board displays the typical essential information required on a job site?
job site information board
proper use of what greatly reduces the chance of construction slowdown or stoppage due to lack of resources or uncoordinated support plan action?
CAS sheets
how many type of visitors are there?
The project supervisor uses cas sheets in conjunction with what to track and document events and actions?
Project logbook
project supervisors are responsible for accountabilty, maintenance, and proper use of equipment (also known as what?) on a job site?
To execute their responsibilities, Project supervisors also use how many scheduling and management tools?
No more than how many weeks of HM/HW material is stored at a project site?
2 weeks
what originates when completed or canceled project material is declined by thre client and becomes available for other use?
Excess material
Effective job site organization accomplishes how many different results?
project supervisors set goals and use the two week schedule to achieve how many functions?
successful project supervisors manage their projects from how many perspectives?
what is designed for managers to implement actions to execute and monitor progress of construction project?
project phase 4
what is essential in order to track project activities and manage project trimlines?
What is the man-day capability formula?
MC = DL x WD x ME x AF
which type of activity, if delayed by any amount of time, delays the entire projects completion by the same amount of time?
Which Gantt chart level is used by military engineers as the primary management tool to integrate efforts and manage overall unit tasking?
level 1
military engineers primarily use which type of logic to calculate project duration?
finish to start
which type of chart is a graphic representation of task duration against tim?
Which type of logic is when the start if the second activity depends upon the start of the first activity?
Start to start
Which gantt chart level is used by military engineers to plan, schedule, and monitor/control the day to day operations of the project?
level III
what determines the late start times?
backward pass
a job loses what percent of the DL personnel’s time to leave, liberty, paydays, inspections, quarters, medical, dental, haircuts, military drills, watches, and collateral duties?
20 percent
the process to determine early times, late times, and floats consist of how many essential, sequential steps?
How many steps are used to create a level III gantt chart?
what publication should be used for information on construction estimating and production rate?
NTRP 4-04.2.3
what is the number of days an activity can be delayed without reducing float from the follow on activity by delaying its early start date?
Free float
Which Gantt char level is used by military engineers for an individual project plan as well as to control the evaluation progress?
Level II
the project supervisor and assigned crew leaders construct what that graphically illustrates the construction activity sequence from start to finish as well as the interdependencies among activities?
Logic network
What is the number of days an activity can be delayed without delaying the project completion date?
Total float
military engineers use how many levels of gantt charts?
What determines the early start and early finish?
Forward pass
which diagram has the primary purpose of showing overall project duration and to identify the critical path?
how many primary goals do project supervisors have?
what is used to show required resources as assigned by the user?
military engineers use what Gantt chart as the primary management tool to integrate efforts’ and manage overall unit tasking?
level 1
what has the primary objective of scheduling the noncritical work to coincide with personnel or equipment availability?
Resource leveling
project supervisors and crew leaders use what as the primary tool to determine the project planning timeline and to monitor the project planning process?
project planning steps checklist
what is responsible for the quality, safety, and timeliness of the construction effort and directs support elements accordingly?
lead element
how many essential elements does preliminary project planning require?
what numbers form the basis for both estimating and scheduling format numbering?
master activity
the project supervisor identifies long lead items, completes the standard project package form, and submits the form to whom for review and approval?
operations officer
who initiates preliminary construction planning actions?
operations officer