Facial Expression Muscles (upper 1/2) Flashcards
Occipitalfrontalis: origin
Epicranal aponeurosis (fascia on top of cranium)
Occipitofrontalis: action and insertion
Action: elevates eyebrows, wrinkles forehead skin
Insertion: skin+subcutaneous tissue of eyebrows and forehead
Procerus: action and insertion
Action: downward pull of medial angle of eyebrows (angry), causing transverse wrinkling of bridge of the nose
Insertion: skin between eyebrows
Procerus: origin
Nasal bone, upper part of lateral nasal cartilage
Orbicularis oculi: actions and insertion
Closes eyelids (like a sphincter…circular muscle)
- palpebral portion: gently closing
- orbital portion: tight closing (wink)
Insertion: skin around orbit margin, superior and inferior tarsal plates
Orbicularis oculi: origin
Medial orbital margin
Medial palpebral ligament
Lacrimal bone
Nasalis: action and insertion
Action: nostril flares (draws ala towards septum)
Insertion: nasal cartilages
Nasalis: origin
Maxilla bone (superior region of canine ridge)
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi: action and insertions
Action: elevate upper lip, open nostril
Insertion: alar cartilage of nose and upper lip
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi: origin
Maxilla bone (frontal process)
Anterior auricular muscles: action and insertions
Action: pull ear superiorly and ANTERIORLY
Insertion: helix of the ear
Anterior auricular muscles: origin
Temporal fascia (anterior part)
Superior auricular muscles: action and insertion
Action: elevates ear
Insertion: auricle (upper part)
Superior auricular muscles: origin
Epicranial aponeurosis on side of head
Posterior auricular muscle: action and insertion
Action: pull ear superiorly and POSTERIORLY
Insertion: convexity of concha of ear
Posterior auricular muscles: origin
Mastoid process
What do the insertions of the facial expression muscles have in common?
They act on the face so they all insert somewhere around the face
NO BONY INSERTIONS (may have bony origin)
What innervates all the facial muscles?
Facial nerve CNVII branches from the parotid plexus: Temporal or Zygomatic Buccal Mandibular Cervical
What does the temporal branch of the parotid plexus (formed by facial nerve CNVII) innervate?
Superior orbicularis oculi
Anterior, superior, and posterior auricular muscles
What does the buccal branch of parotid plexus (from facial nerve CNVII) innervate?
Upper lip muscles
What does the marginal mandibular branch from the parotid plexus (from facial nerve CNVII) innervate?
Lower lip
What does the cervical branch of the parotid plexus (from the facial nerve CNVII) innervate?