Facial Expression Muscles (lower 1/2) Flashcards
Zygomaticus major: origin
Zygomatic bone (lateral surface of posterior part)
Zygomaticus major: action and insertion
Action: pull corner of mouth superiorly AND laterally (smile)
Insertion: skin at corner of mouth
Zygomaticus minor: action and insertion
Action: pull upper lip superiorly
Insertion: upper lip medial to corner of mouth
Zygomaticus minor: origin
Zygomatic bone (lateral surface of posterior part)
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi: action and insertion
Action: elevate upper lip, opens nostril
Insertion: alar cartilage of nose and upper lip
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi: origin
Maxilla bone (frontal process)
Levator labii superioris: action and insertion
Action: elevate upper LIP and ANGLE of mouth, dilate nostril
Insertion: skin of upper lip, alar cartilage of nose
Levator labii superioris: origin
Maxilla frontal process
Infraorbital region
Depressor labii inferioris: action and insertion
Action: pulls lower LIP inferiorly and laterally (sad)
Insertion: lower lip at midline, blending with muscle from the opposite side
Depressor labii inferioris: origin
Mandible (anterior portion of oblique line)
Levator anguli oris: action and insertion
Action: pulls ANGLE of mouth inferiorly and laterally
Insertion: skin at corner of mouth
Levator anguli oris: origin
Maxilla (below infraorbital foramen)
Depressor anguli oris: action and insertion
Action: pulls ANGLE of mouth inferiorly and laterally
Insertion: skin of corner of mouth (blends with orbicularis oris)
Depressor anguli oris: origin
Mandible (oblique line below canine, premolar, and first molar teeth)
Buccinator: action and insertion
Action: press check against molars, helps tongue keep food out of oral vestibule, expels air from oral cavity/resists distension when blowing
Unilaterally draws mouth to one side
Insertion: angle of mouth, orbicularis oris
Buccinator: origin
Mandible, alveolar processes of maxilla and mandible, pterygo-mandibular raphe
Orbicularis oris: action and insertion
Action: oral sphincter, purses lips, resists distension when blowing
Insertion: mucous membrane of lips
Orbicularis oris: origin
Deep surface of skin
- superiorly at maxilla median plane
- inferiorly at mandible
Risorius: action and insertion
Action: retract corner of mouth (grimace)
Insertion: skin at corner of the mouth
Risorius: origin
Fascia over masseter muscle
Mentalis: action and insertion
Action: elevates and protrudes lower lip
Insertion: skin of chin
Mentalis: origin
Mandible at incisive fossa
Platysma: action and insertion
Action: wrinkles/depressed skin of lower face/mouth, tenses neck skin, helps forced depression of mandible
Insertion: skin of lower face, angle of mouth, inferior border of mandible
Platysma: origin
Skin over lower neck and upper-lateral thoax