Facial Bones & Bone Markings Flashcards
Small rectangular bones forming the bridge of the nose.
Each forms part of the medial orbit in between the maxilla and ethmoid bone.
Lacrimal fossa
Houses the lacrimal sac, which helps to drain tears from the nasal cavity.
Commonly called the cheekbones; each forms part of the lateral orbit.
Inferior nasal concha
Inferior turbinate; each forms part of the lateral walls of the nasal cavities; improves the airflow through the nasal cavity.
Forms the posterior hard palate; a small part of the nasal cavity, and part of the orbit.
Horizontal plate
Forms the posterior portion of the hard palate.
Median palatine suture
Median fusion point of the horizontal plates of the palatine bones.
Thin, blade shaped bone that forms the inferior nasal septum.
Keystone facial bones because they articulate with all other facial bones except the mandible; form the upper jaw and parts of the hard palate, orbits, and nasal cavity.
Frontal process
Forms part of the lateral aspect of the bridge of the nose.
Infraorbital foramen
Opening under the orbit that forms a passageway for the infraorbital artery and nerve.
Palatine process
Forms the anterior hard palate; meet anteriorly in the intermaxillary suture.
Zygomatic process
Articulation process for zygomatic bone.
Alveolar process
Inferior margin of the maxilla; contains sockets in which the teeth lie.
The lower jawbone, which articulates with the temporal bone to form the only freely movable joints in the skull (the temporomandibular joint).
Condylar process
Articulate with the mandibular fossae of the temporal bones.
Coronoid process
“Crown-shaped” portion of the ramus for muscle attachment.
Mandibular notches
Separate the condylar process and the coronoid process.
Horizontal portion that forms the chin.
Vertical extension of the body.
Mandibular angles
Posterior points where the ramus meets the body.
Mental foramina
Paired openings on the body (lateral to the midline); transmit blood vessels and nerves to the lower lip and skin of the chin.
Alveolar process
Superior margin of the mandible; contains sockets in which the teeth lie.