Face, skull, palate Flashcards
anterior skull origin
neural crest
posterior skull origin
somite (sclerotome)
fetal alcohol syndrom targets
neural crest, leads to craniofacial defects
premature fusion of flat bones (sutures form prenatally)
sagital suture fuses prematurely. Skull grows A-P
coronal suture fuses prematurely. Skull grows laterally.
face forms by
week 8. Susceptable to teratogenesis
primary (anterior) palate origin
deep intermaxillary segment
secondary (posterior) palate origin
deep maxillary prominence
anterior cleft palate cause
failure of maxillary prominence to fuse with medial nasal prominence (intermaxillary segment)
posterior cleft palate cause
failure of maxillary prominences (lateral palatine plates) to fuse midline
oblique facial cleft
maxillary prominence fails to fuse with lateral nasal prominence