Face and skull Flashcards
Motor innervation of face, general sensory
facial (VII), trigeminal (V)
three divisions of trigeminal
v1=ophthalmic (forehead, orbit, nose), v2=maxillary, v3=mandibular
course of facial nerve
stylomastoid foramen of temporal bone, enters parotid gland, spreads anteriorly to muscles of facial expression
parts of orbic oculi
palpebral-blinking, orbital-forceful closure of eye
danger space of scalp
loose ct area between galea aponeurotic and periosteum. (infected hair follicle below galea spreads widely, above stays localized)
difference b/w dura in vertebral canal and cranium
no epidural space, dura is periosteum
course of CSF
produced in ventricles of brain, flows to whrereever, absorbed in superior sagital sinus by arachnoid granulations
dural sinuses
venous channels b/w layer of dura, converge on internal jugular
middle meningeal artery will cause bleeding where? cerebral veins? which will show smooth contour on CT?
epidural; subdural. Epidural b/c its peeling dura away from bone. Medical emergency
veins from eye and deep brain drain where? what else goes thru there?
cavernous sinus; nerves to orbit (and V1) and internal carotid