F7 Produktionsstrategi Flashcards
Vad är operations strategy
the pattern of decisions and actions that
shape the long-term vision, objectives and
capabilities of the operation
its contribution to the overall strategy of
2 perspektiv på strategi
Market positioning
Resouce based
Vad är en core competency
- Provides potential access to a wide variety of
markets. - Should make a significant contribution to the
perceived customer benefits of the end
product. - Difficult to imitate by competitors
Ska vara VRIN
Valuble, Rare, imperfectly imitable, Non substitutible
4 perspekiv på operatrionsstategi
Top down
Outside in
Bottom up
Inside out
Vad handlar top down om
Reflect what the whole
group or business
wants to do
Vad handlar Outside in
Translate intended
market position so as to
provide the required
objectives for
operations decisions
Vad handlar Bottom up om
Learn from day-to-day
activities so as to
cumulatively build
strategic capabilities
Vad handlar inside out om
Develop resources
and processes so that
their capabilities can
be exploited in their
chosen markets
Vad är en ordervinnare
- directly and significantly contribute to winning business.
- customers regard them as key reasons for buying the product or service.
- results in more business or improves chances
Vad är en kvalificerare
- operation’s performance has to be above a particular level just to be considered by the
customer - won’t gain competitive benefit
Vad är mindre viktig faktor
- neither winning or qualifying
- do not influence customers but can be of importance to other parts of the operation’s activities
Vilka mål / Konkurrensfaktorer i operations strategy
- Leveransprecision (pålitlighet)
* Stora lager, överkapacitet, korta ledtider - Flexibilitet
* Snabba omställningar, korta ställtider,
extra resurser - Kvalitet
* Omsorg, kontroll, nollfel-policy,
standardisering - Leveranstid
* Färdigvarulager, korta ledtider,
överkapacitet - Kostnad
* Låg kapitalbinding, jämt
resursutnyttjande, standardisering
Exempel på produktionstekniska beslut
- Position i värdekedjan/affärsekosystemet
- Produktionens processdesign
- Kapacitetsdimensionering
- Lokalisering
- Försörjningsstrategi
- Kompetensförsörjning
- Etc
Exempel på struktur
Which products or services should be developed?
What activities should be done internally, and what should be outsourced?
How many suppliers should we have?
How many sites should we have?
Where should sites be located?
What types of process technology should the operation be using?
What should be the capacity of each site?
Exempel på infrastruktur
How should the operations function be organised?
What skills should be developed in the operation’s staff?
How should demand be forecast and monitored?
How should the operation adjust its activity levels in response to demand?
How should the operation allocate resources?
How should it develop supplier relationships?
How should performance be measured?
How should the improvement process be managed?