F6 People in operations Flashcards
Isberget för kultur i organisationen
Det som syns:
Fysiska artifakter, tydligt observerbara svårare att tolka ex Byggnader, Dekor, Utrustning, Klädkod, Uppenbara beteendemönster
Inte tydligt observerbara men kan tolkas från hur människor rättfördigar sina handlingar
Ex Mission, Prestationsmål. Kundkontakt procedurer
Grunden till kulturen, så pass delade att människor kanske är omedvetna om de
Ex Delade värderingar, Uppfattningar, Känslor, Omdedvetna beteenden
Gareth Morgans olika beskrivningar av en organisation
Organisationer är:
Politiska system
Olika sorters organisationsstruktur
U form, (funktionell)
M form, (produkt/division)
Matrisform (M o U)
N form (nätverk)
The design of individuals’ and groups’ jobs
- What tasks are to be allocated to each person in the operation?
- What is the best method of performing each task?
- How long will each task take and how many people will be needed?
- How do we maintain commitment?
- What technology is available and how will it be used?
- What are the environmental conditions of the workplace?
Saker som ingår i när man designar jobb
Division of labour
Design of working enviroment
Behavioral aproaches
Hybrid working
Team working
Scientific managment
Flexible working
Division of labour För och nack
Snabbare inlärning
Automatisering blir enklare
Minskat ickeproduktivt jobb
Fysisk skada
Låg flexibilitet
Dålig robusthet
Antropometric betyder
Människors längd storlek och andra fysiska förmågor
Saker för att öka job commitment
Jobb rotation
Job enlargment
Job enrichment
Team working
Flexible working
(Skills & time & location)
Konsekvenser av att minska stress på arbetsplatsen
Staff feel happier at work; their quality of working life is improved and they perform better.
Introducing improvements is easier when ‘stress’ is managed effectively.
Employment relations: problems can be resolved more easily.
Attendance levels increase and sickness absence reduces.
Orsaker till stress
Kan inte hantera mängden jobb
Inte har kontroll över hur och när de jobbar
Om de känner att de inte kan prata med chefer om problem
Om anställda inte vet sin roll och vad som förväntas
Fördelar med bättre work life balance
Employee retention is improved – staff who feel overloaded are more likely to seek alternative
Reputation – the promotion of a healthy work–life balance will develop a reputation that will help companies to attract more able staff.
Without balance, staff ‘burn-out’ will eventually lead to a higher incidence of physical or mental
health problems – an ethical as well as an economic (increased absenteeism) problem.
Higher levels of staff performance – it is usually assumed that stressed or overloaded staff are less effective at getting work done, but this is disputed. Although some studies show that staff with a healthy work–life balance work more effectively, others say that there is ‘insufficient evidence to support the notion that work–life practices enhance performance by means of reduced work–life
Viktiga saker i arbetsmiljön