F3 Planning and controll Flashcards
Vad är operations
- The scope of operations is to match supply with
demand, while aligning with companies’ vision /
strategies. - To accomplish this scope by establishing stable
processes and measurement systems
Vad gör en planerare (operations controll) på air france
‒ Optimal flight routes
‒ Anticipate problems, e.g. pilots strikes, weather changes etc.
‒ Improve margins, i.e. maximize revenues and minimize costs, e.g. fuel consumption.
‒ All planning documents need to be ready for the flight crew, who will receive and check them before departure.
- Important elements in the planning:
‒ Frequency for each airport what routes and frequency are needed.
‒ Fleet assignment how should flights be scheduled.
‒ Banks i.e. arranging optimal transfer.
‒ Block time time from the moment a plane leaves a departure gate at an airport and arriving to its gate in the arrival airport.
‒ Planned maintenance allow for necssary inspection and maintenance.
‒ Crew planning schedule pilot and cabin crew. Maximize working hours, while reducing costs (e.g. allowances).
‒ Gate plotting schedule access to gates.
‒ Recovery account for deviations and ensure some tolerance is built-in the system.
Planning och kontroll över tidsperspektiv
Long-term planning and control
Aggregerade efterfrågeprognoser
Bestämmer resuser i aggregerad form
Mål sätts i financiell form
Medium-term planning and control
Delvis avaggregerad prognos
Bestämmer resurser och situationsfaktorer
Mål sätts i både financiella och operationella termer
Short-term planning and control¨
Fullständigt avaggregerad prognos
Gör ingripanden av resurser för att korrigera avvikelser från planen
Volume-variaty påverkan på plannering och kontroll
Consider job shops vs oil refineries, what is the
importance of planning and control for those two
process types?
* Architect Studio vs Electricity Utility.
* A Studio has normally a high variety/highly
customised projects. Can they produce in advance? Do they need planning?
* Long-term, no planning is needed. Opposite for
short-term planning.
* Electricity utility volumes are high, production is continuous, and variety non-existent. Facilities needed to produce electricity requires huge investments, increasing the need for long-term
Sales and operations
Olika funktioner involverade i operations har vanligtvis olika mål
S&op integrerar kort och långsiktig planering och integrerar planeringen av nyckelfunktioner
Det är en aggregerad process som inte kollar på detaljer
Kan heta andra saker
Säker vs osäker efterfrågan
Nya bilar vs privatkunder vill ha nya däck
P-D ratio
Make to Order a service or a product is not produced
until an order is received.
Make to Stock anticipate demand. Manufacture in
P:D ratio is low, much uncertainty is removed
(except from the production cycle).
* P:D ratio is high, uncertainty is higher and
operations and planning activities are more
Vilka aktiviteter finns det i planning and controll
Monitoring and controll
Vad innebär loading
Hur mycket
Vad innebär sequencing
I vilken ordning ska saker göras
Vad innebär Scheduling
När ska saker göras
Vad innebär monitoring and controll
Går aktiviterna enligt planen
- Once loading, sequencing and scheduling have
been performed, each part of the operation needs
to be monitored and controlled. - Necessary to do to ensure that the planned
activities are indeed happening. - If not, any deviations of plans can be rectified.
Vilka olika typer av loading och när ska man använda de
- Finite Loading:
- Work over/above capacity is not allowed.
- Load can be limited using appointment
systems - It can be specified by safety regulations.
- Cost of limiting load is low
- Infinite Loading:
- Loading is not limited but the system tries
to cope with it. - Capacity can be flexible and adapted to
different arrival rates. - The cost of limiting the loading is high.
Exempel på saker som konsumerar up time för maskiner
Planerade perioder utan jobb
Oplanerade perioder utan jobb
Långsam körning
Omställning mellan körning
Maximal tillgänglig tid
Värdefull operationstid alltind < 168h/w
Olika former av sequencing
‒ Physical constraints
‒ Customer priority
‒ Due date
‒ Last in First Out (LIFO)
‒ First In First Out (FIFO)
‒ Longest Operation Time (LOT)
‒ Shortest Operation Time (SOT)
Hur utvärdera olika sequencing
‒ Meeting due date promised to customers or days of lateness.
‒ Minimize flow time (time spent in process).
‒ Minimize work in progress inventory.
‒ Minimize idle-time.
Olila typer av scheduling
Forward scheduling
Backword scheduling