F3 - SEM1 - VITAMINS Flashcards
What are properties of Vitamins?
Need only small amount
No energy
Help regulate many metabolic reactions
Many different kinds, e.g. A, C, D
What are the properties of Vitamin A
Component of visual purple (visual pigment for dim light vision) in the retina
Keep linings health (e.g., cornea, skin, alimentary canal, breathing linings)
Whats happens if lack of Vitamin A?
Night blindness - component of visual purple
Dry up - keep cornea, skin healthy
Easy infection - keep lining of alimentary canal and breathing system lining healthy
What are the source of Vitamin A?
From animal
- fish liver oil
- milk
From plant
- green vegetables
- carrot (contains carotene, which can be changed to Vitamin A in our body)
What are the properties of Vitamin C?
Water soluble
Easily destroyed by oxygen
Help growth and repair of connective tissue - help heal wounds and health gums and skin
Deficiency leads to Scurvy
What happens if lack of Vitamin C?
The symphtoms are
- bleeding gum
- bleed easily causing bruises under skin
- slow recovery of wounds
What are the sources of Vitamin C?
From animal - no
From plant
- fresh vegetables
- fruit (e.g., lemon, orange, kiwi)
Why did sailors easily get scurvy in the past?
Difficult to keep fresh vegetables and fruits on ship
Sailor no intake of Vitamin C
What are properties of Vitamin D?
Fat soluble
Can be produced in the skin with exposure of sun
Promote uptake of Calcium and phosphate ion from guts - keep bone and teeth strong
What happen if you lack of Vitamin D? Why?
Easy bone fracture
Intake of Calcium and Phosphate are less than enough
What are the sources of Vitamin D?
From animal
- liver
- milk
- liver oil
- egg
From plant - no
Sunlight - produced in the skin with exposure of sun