(F) Food Security (Book-based) Flashcards
vital resource for humans, regardless of race, nationality, religious affiliation, economic status, or educational attainment
Swaminathan (2003): defined as the “Physical and economic access, at all times, to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food for people to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life”
Food Security
Job security is a worldwide issue which must be given considerable attention.
F (food security)
It may ultimately worsen food security as in the experience of India with its targeted Public Distribution System (PDS) in the 1990s
Rationing of food
While relatively poor countries can benefit from this by receiving subsidies from rich countries, the latter will be pressured to increase food production capabilities
international trade
T or F. Rich countries may also struggle with handling food security issues at the domestic and the foreign level
T (international trade)
Have proven viable in addressing food security issues like in the case of China, one of the most populated countries in the world
Economic and agricultural reforms
In 1978, what did China do to ensure food security that was able to reduce the number of undernourished people
Economic and agricultural reforms
One of the contributing factors that further cripples and weakens food security both on a domestic and international level is?
armed conflict
Choen, Pinstrup-Andersen(1999): In the recent decades, internal strife has debilitated food production and supplies in countries such as except
Farmers are also driven away from their lands because of this, and production is then halted
armed conflict
not only limited to rural areas but is also an issue plaguing urban sectors especially in countries with internal conflicts
food shortage
Lack of food was one of the factors that ignited the _____ and somehow is resembled by the Venezuelan food crisis in the present era.
French Revolution of 1789
Singer (2018): As the economy of ______ continues to plummet, prices of commodities skyrocket to unreasonable figures.
integral role in maintaining a healthy, functioning, and even peaceful domestic and international environment.
Establishing this with countries that can respond to the food security challenges of other countries is a goal that all members of the international community must strive for.
international network