F-Behavior Assessments Flashcards
 records to review before designing interventions and treatments
Education, medical, historical
Before accepting a case and analyst must determine several factors, including:
Is there a need for behavior analytic services?
Does the analyst have to take the case?
Does the analyst have the competency to take on the case?
Does the needful within the scope of behavior analyst?
Does the analyst have resources (RBTs, materials, etc.) to take the case?
Factors to consider when evaluating the clients specific needs
Behaviors of interest that may impact dated a living?
The impact the client has on those around them?
Is ABBA the best option? have medical options been exhausted?
Behavior, socially significant ?
Socially significant
Behaviors that have immediate or long-term benefits, that enable the client to contact the natural environment, that are important to the client, the family or society.
Identifying goals
And directly through interviews and surveys or evaluating developmental charts or directly through observations 
Skill deficit
The client is unable to do it under any circumstance
Performance problem
The skill is in the clients repertoire, but they cannot perform it when needed 
Interview preferences assessment
Ask the client or stakeholders
Free operant
Observing and timing, how long a client engages with an item or items
Single stimulus preference assessment
Presenting one item at a time and recording the response
Force choice preference assessment
Presenting to items or activities and asking the client to choose one 
Multiple stimulus with replacement
Items are presented learner. Choose an item than the item is put back and unchosen items are replaced. 
Multiple stimulus without replacement
Items are presented alerter chooses an item that item is taken out, and the other items are rearranged 
Multiple stimulus without replacement
Items are presented alerter chooses an item that item is taken out, and the other items are rearranged 
 functional analysis
Systematically, manipulating antecedents and consequences in order to determine the function of a target behavior