EZ, DAN Flashcards
Ezekiel’s name literally means
“God will strengthen.”
Book of Ezekiel contains more dates than
any other Old Testament prophetic book
Book of Ezekiel’s prophecies can be
dated with great precision
What was Ezekiel’s full name
Ezekiel Ben-Buzi
Ezekiel was born into a (?) family in (?) in (yr), during the reign of King (?).
Ezekiel was born into a priestly family in Jerusalem in 623 BC, during the reign of King Josiah.
In___, Ezekiel was among the people taken into captivity by the ___.
In 597, Ezekiel was among the people taken into captivity by the Babylonians.
Ezekiel spends the rest of his life in ___
Exiled in __, Ezekiel is given a series of _ visions during the ___ years from ___ to ___.
Exiled in Babylon, Ezekiel is given a series of seven visions during the 22 years from 593 to 571 BC.
In chapters 1-3, God commissions Ezekiel…He receives visions, and his message is
to confront God’s sinful nation.
In chapters 4-24, Ezekiel delivers the message of ___
doom to the captives.
In chapters 4-24, He tells ___; he constantly reminded the Jews that God was ___.
In chapters 4-24, He tells several parables; he constantly reminded the Jews that God was cleansing His chosen nation and that God is sovereign.
“They/you shall know that I am the Sovereign Lord” is used __ times in this book
What is said 70x in the book of Ezekiel
“They/you shall know that I am the Sovereign Lord”
The word “sovereign” __ times
From chapters 25-32, Ezekiel condemns judgment upon __ particular nations who ___, because of the captivity; they too would ___.
From chapters 25-32, Ezekiel condemns judgment upon seven particular nations who mocked the Lord, because of the captivity; they too would soon see their fate.
Seven nations who mocked the Lord
Ammon, Moab, Edom, Philistia, Tyre, Sidon and Egypt
In chapters 33-48, a message of ___ is proclaimed
In chapters 33-48, a message of deliverance and restoration is proclaimed
The message of deliverance and restoration includes
the current nation of Israel, but also the future of the coming Messiah, the Temple and the Kingdom of God in the “End Age.”
Chapter 3:
“The watchman for the house of Israel”
Chapter 16:
The allegory of the beautiful wife turned prostitute – Jerusalem
Chapter 18:
“The person who sins shall die”
Chapter 24:
Ezekiel’s wife dies – “the delight of his eyes”
Chapter 34:
The condemnation of the ungodly shepherds
Chapter 36:
“A new heart and a new spirit”
Chapter 37:
The valley of dry bones
Chapter 47:
The river of God
The name Daniel means
“God is my Judge.”
In (yr), Daniel then in his __ was captured by the __, during its __ on __.
In 606 BC, Daniel then in his teens was captured by the Babylonian army, during its first attack on Jerusalem.
Daniel was a member of the ___.
extended royal family
Daniel was made a __
Daniel was made a eunuch
Isaiah 39:7; Daniel 1:3
Daniel spent the rest of his long life in the city of ___, in the service of ___.
Daniel spent the rest of his long life in the city of Babylon, in the service of the royal court.
Daniel went by two names:
Daniel and Belteshazzar.
Chapter 1
Daniel and three fellow nobles – Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego – are taken captive to serve in the court of Nebuchadnezzar.
Daniel shows God’s sovereignty and the dominion over the Jews by doing what?
Outliving the Captivity
Daniel outlives the captivity
Scriptures and dates
Daniel 1:1 (606 BC) to Daniel 1:21 (536 BC)
Daniel serves who until when (Scripture)
Daniel serves the leaders of the Babylonian and Medo-Persian Empires till 534 BC. (Daniel 10:3)
Chapter 2
Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and Daniel’s vision about the four Kingdoms
the four Kingdoms
the Babylonian Empire, the Medo-Persian Empire, Alexander the Great’s Empire and the Roman Empire
The Rock (__) forms a mountain (____) that “_______”
The Rock (Christ) forms a mountain (the Kingdom of God) that “fills the whole earth.”
Chapter 3
Nebuchadnezzar sets up a gold image 90 feet tall of himself.
Why are Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are cast into a furnace
for refusing to bow down to it.
How did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego came out unscathed
protected by “a fourth man.”
When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego came out unscathed, what does Nebuchadnezzar do
calls on all his subjects to never say anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Chapter 4
Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of a great tree.
Who does God humble and why does he restore him?
he glorifies God
Chapter 5
Belshazzar sees the handwriting on the wall; then that night is murdered.
Belshazzar is probably who
Belshazzar, probably the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar
Who becomes king after Belshazzar is murdered
Darius the Mede becomes King.
Chapter 6
Daniel in the lion’s den
Chapter 7-12:
More visions of the four great empires and the end times.