ECC, SS, ISH, JRM Flashcards
Eccl. 1-2
Life is meaningless
Eccl. 9
Same fate – all die
Eccl. 12
Aging and “The conclusion of the matter… Fear God and keep His
What do some commentators suggest the Song of Songs is?
an analogy of Christ and the church
What did Solomon write the book Song of Songs to exult?
The joys of love and marriage
What is Christian marriage composed of?
two disciples being “friends and lovers” (SS 5:1, 16)
Who do some commentators think the woman in Song of Songs is? From what book chapter and verse? What would this explain?
Abishag the Shunammite of 1 Kings 2:22 (SS 6:13), Solomon’s anger towards Adonijah
What is Isaiah son of Amoz considered?
The greatest of the writing prophets
What does Isaiah’s name literally mean?
The Lord saves
Who did Isaiah prophecy alongside?
Amos, Hosea, and Micah
When did the Spirit initiate Isaiah’s ministry? Who died that year?
740 B.C. the year King Uzziah died
What happened to Isaiah, according to the Jewish tradition? What was the tradition called? Book chapter verse?
During the reign of terror of Manasseh, Isaiah was sawed in half.
Ascension of Isaiah
Hebrew 11:37
What two scriptures show Isaiah’s two sons? What were their names?
Isaiah 7:3 Shear-Jashub
Isaiah 8:3 Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz.
Under what king did Isaiah have his greatest influence? Book and chapter?
King Hezekiah, Isaiah 37
Who’s history did Isaiah write of? Book chapter verse?
King Uzziah 2 Chron 26:22
What scriptures are the 5 Messianic prophecies found in Isaiah?
Isaiah 7:14 Isaiah 9:1-7 Isaiah 11:1-12 Isaiah 53 Isaiah 61:1-2
What are the Scriptures that show the Remnant Theology in Isaiah?
Isaiah 10:20-23
Isaiah 11:1-3, 10-16
Isaiah 36-37 Key verse: 37:4 – “Pray for the remnant that still survives.”
Who was Jeremiah the son of?
Hilkiah the priest
What was Jeremiah called to be at a very young age? Book chapter verse?
“prophet to the nations” Jer 1:4-5
When and under who’s reign did Jeremiah begin to prophesy?
Josiah (640-609 BC)
Who were the last four kings of Judah which Jeremiah continued to prophecy throughout their reigns?
Jehoahaz (609),
Jehoiakim (609-598),
Jehoiachin (598-597)
Zedekiah (597-586).
Where did Jeremiah prophesy after the fall of Jerusalem?
What was Jeremiah a major contributor to?
Josiah’s restoration movement
What did Jeremiah write after Josiah’s untimely death? Book chapter verse?
“The Laments” aka the Book of Lamentations (2 Chronicles 35:25)
Where did Jeremiah die? Book chapter verse?
Egypt most likely heartbroken after the fall of Jerusalem (Jeremiah 43:8)
Jer 1:4-8
Jeremiah’s calling
Jeremiah 5:30-31; 6:9-17
The spiritual condition of Judah
Jeremiah 7:1-15
False reliance on the Temple deceiving the Jews that God was with them
Jeremiah 18:1-10; 19:1, 10-13
The Potter is God; Jeremiah breaks the jar as a sign of God’s
Jeremiah 23:1-4
God gathers the remnant with a vision of righteous leadership
Jeremiah 29:1-14
Jeremiah’s letter to the remnant in Babylon and the 70 year prophecy of the
return of the Jews from Babylon to Jerusalem.
Jeremiah 35
The Recabites
Jeremiah 36
Jehoiakim burns Jeremiah’s scroll but ultimately cannot destroy the Word of God
Jeremiah 52:31-34
Jehoiachin given a seat of honor in Babylon