Eye Flashcards
palpebral fissure
elliptical opening between the eyelids and is the entrance into the conjunctival sac
glands of Zeis
- sebaceous glands
- open directly into the eyelash follicles
ciliary glands (glands of Moll)
modified sweat glands that open sepa- rately between adjacent lashes
tarsal glands
are long, modified sebaceous glands that pour their oily secretion onto the margin of the lid; their openings lie behind the eyelashes, This oily material prevents the over- flow of tears and helps make the closed eyelids airtight
lacus lacrimalis
The more rounded medial angle is separated from the eyeball by a small space
caruncula lacrimalis
a small, reddish yellow elevation in the center of lacus lacrimalis
plica semilunaris
A reddish semilunar fold, that lies on the lateral side of the caruncle
papilla lacrimalis
Near the medial angle of the eye a small elevation
punctum lacrimale
small hole on the summit of the papilla which leads into canaliculus lacrimalis
The upper lateral part of the superior fornix is pierced by
the ducts of lacrimal gland
subtarsal sulcus
its the groove beneath the eyelid, which runs close to and parallel with the margin of the lid, The sulcus tends to trap
small foreign particles introduced into the conjunctival sac and is thus clinically important
medial palpebral ligament attaches to
the crest of the lacrimal bone
lateral rectus is supplied by
abducent nerve (VI)
superior oblique is supplied by
trochlear nerve (IV)
Superior rectus action
Raises cornea upward and medially