Extrinsic muscles of thoracic limb Flashcards
Superficial Pectoral
Origin: first sternebra (manubrium)
insertion: crest of greater tubercle of the humerus
origin: sternebrae 1-3 and fibrous raphe on the ventral midline
insertion: crest of greater tubercle of the humerus
innervation: cranial pectoral n.
actions: adduct limb with no weight, prevent limb from being abducted when bearing weight
deep pectoral
origin: sternebrae 1-8 and fibrous raphe on the ventral midline; deep abdominal fascia in the region of the xiphoid cartilage
insertion: lesser tubercle of the humerus, greater tubercle and crest of greater tubercle, medial brachial fascia
innervation: caudal pectoral n. and lateral thoracic nerve.
actions: adduct the limb, support the trunk, pull trunk cranially when limb is advanced, draw limb caudally when not bearing weight
sternocephalicus m.
origin: first sternebra (manubrium)
insertion: STERNO-OCCIPITALIS (occipital part) - nuchal crest of the occipital bone of the skull
STERNOMASTOIDEUS (mastoid part) - mastoid process of the temporal bone of the skull
innervation: accessory n. and ventral brs. of cervical spinal nerve
action: draw the head and neck to the side
sternohyoideus m.
origin: manubrium and first costal cartilage
insertion: basihyoid bone
innervation: ventral branches of cervical spinal nerve
action: draw the tongue and larynx caudally
sternothyroideus m.
origin: first costal cartilage
insertion: caudolateral surface of the thyroid cartilage
innervation: ventral branches of cervical spinal nerve
action: draw the larynx and tongue caudally
omotransvarius m.
origin: distal end of the spine of the scapula and acromion
insertion: transverse process of the first vercial vertebra; also the basioccipital bone near the tympanic bulla in the cat
innervation: accessory n.
action: advance the limb, flex the neck laterally
trapezius m.
T. cervicis - median raphe of the neck (C3-C7)
T. thoracis - supraspinous ligament (T1-T9)
insertion: spine of scapula
T. cervicis - draw the scapula craniodorsally
T. thoracis - draw the scapula caudodorsally
acting together - elevate and abduct the thoracic limb
rhomboideus m.
R. capitis - nuchal crest of the occipital bone
R. cervicis - median raphe of the neck
R. thoracis - spinous processes of the T1-T7 vertebrae
insertion: dorsal border and adjacent surface of the scapula
innervation: ventral brs. of cervical and thoracic spinal nerves
action: elevate the forelimb, draw scapula against the trunk
latissimus dorsi m.
origin: thoracolumbar fascia from the spinous processes of T7-L7 (dog) T4-L6 (cat)
- last 2-3 ribs
insertion: teres major tuberosity of the humerus and teres major tendon
innervation: thoracodorsal n.
action: draw the limb caudally, flex the shoulder joint
serratus ventralis m.
cervicis- transverse processes of C2-C7
thoracis - first 7-8 ribs (dog) first 9-10 ribs (cat)
insertion: serrated face of the scapula
innervation: long thoracic n.
action: support trunk by slinging the body between forelimbs, depress the scapula