export_week 11chapter 9 input output Flashcards
Basic Model of Processing speed or program execution
determined primarily by ability of I/O operations to stay ahead of processor.
I/O Requirements
▪ Means for addressing different peripheral devices ▪ A way for peripheral devices to initiate communication with the CPU ▪ An efficient means of transferring data directly between I/O and memory for large data transfers since programmed I/O is suitable only for slow devices and individual word transfers
I/O Requirements
▪ Buses that interconnect high-speed I/O devices with the computer must support high data transfer rates ▪ Means for handling devices with extremely different control requirements
I/O Interfaces Are necessary because of ?
▪ Different formats required by the devices ▪ Incompatibilities in speed between the devices and the CPU make synchronization difficult ▪ Bursts of data vs. streaming data ▪ Device control requirements that would tie up too much CPU time
Examples of I/O Devices
Simple I/O Configuration D?
More Complex I/O Module
Advanced I/O Techniques
▪ Programmed I/O ▪ CPU controlled I/O ▪ Interrupt Driven I/O ▪ External input controls ▪ Direct Memory Access Controllers ▪ Method for transferring data between main memory and a device that bypasses the CPU
Programmed I/O traits ?
I/O data and address registers in CPU ▪ One word transfer per I/O instruction ▪ Address information for each I/O device ▪ LMC I/O capability for 100 devices ▪ Full instruction fetch/execute cycle
where is programmed I/O used ?
▪ Primary use: ▪ keyboards ▪ communication with I/O modules (see DMA)
Programmed I/O Example
Programmed I/O Example
Interrupt Terminology ▪ Interrupt lines (hardware
▪ One or more special control lines to the CPU
Interrupt request
dont know
▪ Interrupt handlers
▪ Program that services the interrupt ▪ Also known as an interrupt routine or device driver
▪ Context of interrupts
▪ Saved registers of a program before control is transferred to the interrupt handler ▪ Allows program to resume exactly where it left off when control returns to interrupted program
Use of Interrupts ?
▪ Notify that an external event has occurred ▪ real-time or time-sensitive ▪ Signal completion ▪ printer ready or buffer full ▪ Allocate CPU time ▪ time sharing ▪ Indicate abnormal event (CPU originates for notification and recovery) ▪ illegal operation, hardware error ▪ Software interrupts
The CPU - The Interrupt Cycle how ?D