Experiments Flashcards
Lab experiment
The researcher manipulates the IV in a controlled environment
Bobo doll
Skinners rats
Field experiment
The researcher manipulates IV in a realistic environment
Rosenthal and Jacobsons labelling study
Natural experiments
The researcher cannot manipulate the IV as it is naturally occuring
Romanian orphan study
Quasi experiment
The IV is based on pre-existing differences and cannot be changed
Boys better than girls
Strength of lab
Easy to replicate for reliability
High level of control (extraneous)
Standardised procedures
Weaknesses of lab
Lack ecological validity
Demand characteristics
Lack mundane realism (cant generalise)
Strengths of field
High ecological validity
Standardised can be replicated
Control over extraneous variable
Weaknesses of field
Ethical issues (unaware of study)
Privacy issues
Less control over extraneous variables
Strengths of natural
High ecological validity
Unique events
Real life issues
Weaknesses of natural
Limited to generalise
Less control of extraneous variables
Hard to replicate
Weaknesses of quasi
Cannot be allocated conditions as they already occur
Lab experiments high/low
Low ecological validity
High internal validity
Low extraneous variables
High replicability
Field high low
High ecological validity
Medium internal validity
Some extraneous variable
Medium replicability
Natural high/low
High ecological validity
Low interest validity
High extraneous variable
Low replicability
Lab setting and IV
Controlled setting
Manipulated IV