Experimental Research Flashcards
What is the purpose of experimental research?
To determine cause and effect (manipulating the IV to see its effect on the DV)
What are the criteria to establish cause and effect?
- The cause must come before (precede) the effect
- The cause and effect must be correlated
- The correlation cannot be explained by another variable
True or False?
Cause and effect are established by statistics.
False. Cause and effect are established by logical thinking and well-designed experiments.
What can statistics do?
- Reject the null hypothesis
- Establish effect size
What is internal validity?
Determines if the results are due to the treatment.
What do you need to show internal validity?
Control over the participants and environment.
What is external validity?
Determines if the results are generalizable.
What do you need to show external validity?
A sample that looks like (represents) our population.
What is the relationship between external and internal validity and why?
- Inverse
- Experiments have high control, the real world has little control
What are the threats to internal validity?
Give examples for them.
- History (Pandemic)
- Maturation (Puberty)
- Testing (Pre-test)
- Instrumentation (Data Error)
- Statistical Regression (Highest move towards middle)
- Selection Bias (Different groups to begin)
- Experimental Mortality (Withdrawing)
- Selection - maturation interaction (groups maturing at different rates)
- Expectancy (may treat someone better)
Which threat(s) does randomization control?
Internal Validity
Maturation, History, Statistical Regression, Selection Bias, Selection-maturation interaction
What threat(s) does calibration control?
What threat(s) does interest/incentives control?
Internal Validity
What threat(s) does study design control?
Internal Validity
Testing, expectancy
What are the threats to external validity?
Give examples.
- Testing (pre-test)
- Selection Bias (may only work for the selected population)
- Setting (Very controlled settings)
- Multiple Treatments (getting more than one treatment does not happen often in real-world)