Experimental method Flashcards
What is the experimental method?
The manipulation of an independent variable to have an effect on the dependent variable
What are the types of experimental methods?
lab, quasi, field and natural
What is an aim of a study?
A straightforward expression identifying the purpose of an investigation
What is a hypothesis?
A precise testable statement of what the researchers predict will be the outcome of the study.
- usually proposes a possible relationship or cause and effect between 2 variables.
What is an experimental hypothesis?
A hypothesis used in the context of an experiment. Predicts a difference between 2 variables
What is a directional hypothesis (one-tailed)?
States the expected direction of results.
What is a non-directional hypothesis? (two-tailed)
States an expected difference but does not state the direction of the results.
When is a directional hypothesis (one tailed) used?
When there has been previous research
What is a null hypothesis?
States no differences or effects between 2 variables.
What is meant by operationalising variables?
This means the researcher explains how they are manipulating the IV and measuring the DV
What is an extraneous variable?
Variables additional to the IV that affects the DV but does not vary systematically with the IV.
MIGHT affect DV
What is a confounding variable?
A variable which changes systematically with the IV.
Definitely interfered with the DV.
What is mundane realism?
How the experiment mirrors the real world
If a study lacks mundane realism, what are researchers unable to confidently do with the data?
Generalise the data to the wider population
What are demand characteristics?
The totality of cues that convey the experimental hypothesis to the ppts becomes determinants of the ppts behaviour.