Existence of God and Revelation Flashcards
God is all powerful
God is all knowing
God is everywhere all at once
God is all loving
God is outside our universe and beyond human comprehension
Teleological argument
Design argument
The world is too detailed naturally and complicated for no creator
Arguments for teleological argument
Analogy of a storm going through a junkyard and forming a passenger plane
The complexity in nature ie Fibonacci’s sequence
Arguments against teleological argument
The Universe is so massive that the chance of it producing a complex world like our own isn’t entirely impossible
These complexities evolved, weren’t there from the start
First cause argument
Everything must be caused by something else and that first cause is God
And there is no beginning because it must be eternal (God)
Arguments for first cause argument
The Big Bang was maybe caused by God?
God is eternal and so it doesn’t have a beginning
Arguments against first cause argument
What made God?
If the Universe is also eternal, then why is that not the beginning instead of God?
God isn’t simply a cause because he is actively involved with us
Infinite regress is possible
An event that can’t be explained by science
Could potentially prove existence in God
General revelation
A way God reveals himself through the natural world
A more indirect way, such as the beauty of nature reminds people of God
Forms of general revelation
Conscience (moral voice in your head)
God’s creation
Special revelation
God reveals himself directly to an individual
Forms of special revelation
A dream
A miracle
A vision
A prophecy (being told a future event by the divine)