Buddhism teachings Flashcards
The 1st Noble Truth
Dukkha - suffering is an inescapable part of life
The 2nd Noble Truth
Samudaya - the origin of all suffering
The 3rd Noble Truth
Nirodha- the end of suffering
By understanding what causes suffering, we can remove ourselves from this cycle
This can be done by detaching ourselves from craving and desire
The 4th Noble Truth
Magia - the path to end suffering
We can detach ourselves from desire through following the Eightfold Path
A way of life most Buddhists follow
The 3 poisons
1) Greed/ desire
2) Ignorance/ delusion
3) Hatred/ destructive urges
Right views
To understand the Buddha’s teachings properly rather than just following them blindly
Buddhists would spend time learning the Buddha’s teachings in depth
Right intention
Having the correct intentions when following the Buddha ie to help stop suffering
Buddhists would probably commit to following the Dhamma
Right speech
Speaking truthfully and kindly
Buddhists would avoid telling lies, gossiping and negative speech in general
Right action
Acting in a loving and peaceful way
Buddhists would avoid general conflict that harms other people and not giving into desires
Right livelihood
Making a living in a way that doesn’t involve harming others
Buddhists would choose a peaceful job such as a teacher or charity worker and avoid becoming a soldier
Right effort
Working hard to develop a sense of enlightenment
Buddhists would put in the proper work of meditating and restraint from desires
Right mindfulness
Develop awareness of the body, mind and nature of reality
Right concentration
Work towards developing this through meditation
Buddhists would meditate frequently to achieve these
The threefold Way
A shortened version of the Eightfold path where they are placed into 3 groups
Ethics - right speech, action and livelihood
Meditation - right effort, mindfulness and concentration
Wisdom - right view and intention
Aka suffering or dissatisfaction
Life does not provide people, life constantly changes as everything has limitations
All life contains suffering
We have no fixed self or soul that represents us, as we are made up of many constantly changing parts
Theravada Buddhists belief we are made up of 5 Skhandas
All life is impermanent, things are changing at all times.
You are not the same person you were an hour ago nor a second ago.
Because we constantly change, suffering is a continuos cycle
The cycle of birth, death and rebirth that causes us to suffer
Positive actions have positive consequences, likewise for negative actions
Increasing positive Karma increases chance of favourable birth after Samsara.
Mahayana Buddhism
Different collections of more modern Buddhism such as Zen, Pure Land etc.
Other people’s enlightenment is more important than their own
Aims to stay in cycle of samsara out of compassion for everyone
Only when suffering is defeated can they achieve nirvana without remainder
Theravada Buddhism
The oldest school of Buddhism, with more traditional beliefs
Main goal of Theravada Buddhists to become one
A perfected person
Have achieved enlightenment and enter nirvana once dead
Through removing 3 poisons
Birth of the Buddha
Was a painless birth
A tree bent to support her
He could walk and talk
Lotuses grew at his feet
Prophecy was told he’d either be a religious leader or ruler
How does the Buddhas birth influence Buddhists?
Encourage a pilgrimage to his birth site in Lumbini
Encourage celebration of Wesak
Instil reverence as his birth was special - shows he is the authority and has true knowledge
Quote about the Buddhas birth
In the Buddhacarita:
“And from the side of the queen her son was born and without illness.“
Buddha’s Life of luxury
His Father wanted him to become a ruler = kept him inside
provided him w luxuries to prevent him from having philosophical thoughts
Lived in extreme opulence
The 4 Sights
Ventured out saw:
An old man
Holy man
Buddha’s life of Asceticism
For 6 years
Removed all pleasures from life and fasting for long periods of time
Became very weak
Middle Way
A life that balances a life of luxury and asceticism in order to reach Enlightenment
What the Buddha realised after living a life of opulence AND asceticism
Everything in existence exists because other things exist
Whether physical or mental
Because everything has a cause
How does dependent arising effect Buddhists today?
Would treat others with loving kindness as they believe every action has a consequence
Who believes in the 5 aggregates?
Therevada, it makes up the human personality
Mahayana believe
Because everything is dependent on something else and has no fixed self, everything is empty
Attaining Buddhahood
Mahayana belief
When someone, through meditation become a bodhisattva
Buddha nature
Mahayana belief
Everything single person has the essence of the Buddha inside them and is thus possible to gain enlightenment
How to pure land Buddhists achieve their purpose?
Chanting the name of amitaba Buddha in meditation
To get to a place free of dukkha
The dharma wheel
The wheel that represents the eightfold path
Each spike = a different teaching
The lotus flower
Represents the journey to enlightenment
The seed starts in mud = ignorance
Then eventually grows above the water and flowers = enlightenment
The central form of worship Buddhists use to centre their mind on teachings and eventually become enlightened
The supreme knowledge and truth of everything, including reality and yourself
To be broken free from the cycle of samsara
To be completely free of desire and suffering
How did the sight of the old man impact the Buddha?
He discovered the cycle of old age
Realised things in life won’t be permanent
How did the sight of illness impact the Buddha?
He discovered suffering for the first time
How did the sight of death impact the Buddha?
He realised life was also impermanent
How did the sight of the holy man impact the Buddha?
He realised despite having nothing he was content
He decided to give up his life of opulence to peruse the knowledge he had
How do the 4 sights impact Buddhists today?
Allows them to contextualise his later doctrine and relate them to real life experiences
How does the middle way impact Buddhists today?
Outlines the way you should live: not extreme self gratification or self mortification
Learn to take things in moderation
Quote on the middle way
Buddhist scripture:
“There are the two extremes that are not to be indulged: devoted to sensual pleasure and that which is devoted to self-affliction”
What causes suffering?
Craving for more —> everything is impermanent —> we always want more —> disappointment
We are attached to things that change —> suffering
3 watches of the night
Buddha’s realisations allowing him to be enlightened:
knew his past lives
Understood samsara
Why suffering happens and how to stop it
Mahayana beliefs on nirvana
Nirvana with remainder is possible
Aka you can be enlightened yet remain in cycle of samsara
Mara and the enlightenment
Demon tempted him with women
Scared him away with armies
Offered his whole kingdom
But Buddha said no
How does Buddha’s enlightenment influence buddhists?
He was a human = we all have Buddha nature to become enlightened
Whilst meditating = allows us a clear mind
Whilst understanding cycle of rebirth = Buddhists gain wisdom