Examining Gender Inequalities Flashcards
Sex - refers to physical and sexual characteristics
Gender - a socially constructed concept that we learn through socialization within a specific culture
In the United States, the gender ideology that organizes social life is a?
Gender binary; whereby we believe in 2 gender options: women and men
◦ gender expression norms change over time and across places
Individual level
Interactional level
Institutional level
Individual - focuses on how gender influences individual behaviors
Interactional - focuses on social interactions and interpersonal relationships (where we discuss gender meanings)
Institutional - focuses on how social institutions are organized (gender starts to become a part of how we are socially developed)
What is patriarchy
• patriarchal culture: a for of organization, in which men have higher status than women, that provides the foundation from which societies create and maintain gender inequality.
◦ Men hold almost all across society
‣ Male centered- when it prioritizes the activities and beliefs of men
‣ Highest number of women in congress is 154
What is the gender wage gap
- the difference between the incomes of women and men who work for wages year-round, full-time
- higher wage jobs have bigger gaps, lower wage jobs have lower. This is socially constructed
Explanations for the wage gap
- employer preference and discrimination
- the glass ceiling and the glass escalator
- sexual harassment and hostile work environments
- gender socialization
Sexual violence
Sexual act committed against someone without a persons freely given consent
Rape culture
Social norms, cultural practices, and social institutions condone men’s objectification of an access to women’s bodies
Stats on sexual assault on college campuses
• statistically. In 5 women will be sexually assaulted during college
- “hookup culture” - the theory of the sexual objectification of women, sexual Norms at colleges and negative attitudes towards women
Street harassment
• most (84%) women in the U.S. experience sexual harassment (primarily in public spaces)
◦ Public spaces are the most frequent location for harassment
Online harassment
• feminist women have been visible targets of cyber harassment
◦ Online gaming can also be a possible form of this. Sometimes young men are subject to this (maybe they are a young man playing as a women avatar)
Work related injuries and death
• Men are 5x more likely to die in job-related incidents than women
• poor men of color work riskier jobs
◦ Because they are often worth more
• You most likely wont be killed on the job
Suicide and other health issues
• men are 3x more likely to die by suicide
• U.S. men die 7 years younger than women
Why are men at higher risk of suicide than women?
- because men are not socially taught to show or ask for help when they need it.
Family engagement
• negative reactions feared for paternity leave
• Men: less than 2 weeks off for a new baby
- a lot of men don’t actually take paternity leave they take vacation. The culture around this needs to b changed so that more men will take paternity leave.
• changing gender roles will benefit society
Mass shootings as a gendered social problem
- many shooters are men
- some are a type or want revenge on women
- most tend to have a domestic background
- some are a type or want revenge on women
Regulating and policing women’s bodies
• Women’s reproductive freedom legalizes women’s rights to abortion
• breastfeeding in public seen as taboo
◦ Before 2018 breastfeeding in public was illegal
• school dress codes
Gender based movements and social change
1972 - Title 9
1994 - violence against women act
2009 - lily Ledbetter fair play act
2017 - women’s march
2021 - first women (and person of color) as Vice President