Examination Flashcards
What are the components of SOCRATES
- Site
- Onset
- Character
- Radiation
- Associations
- Time
- Exacerbating/alleviating factors
- Severity
4 other sources of non-odontogenic orofacial pain:
- Musculoskeletal
- Neurovascular
- Neuropathic
- Psychogenic
Wht is an example of a hobby which may cause tooth erosion
What might multiple swollen nodes be indicative of?
Glandular fever or Leukemia
What do tender or mobile lymph nodes indicate
How do you examine the submandbular salivary gland/
Use two fingers on outside and push up to elevate the gland. Use other hand and two fingers to palpate inside.
if you see a lump in the floor of the mouth what might you be thinking
- Sialolith
- Ranula
If you see a lump on the hard palate what might you be thinking
- Minor salivary gland tumour
- Salivary metaplasia
- Palatal abscess
How can you check for blockage of sub mand salivary gland?
Wipe floor of mouth with gauze then use hand to massage gland from back to front on outside, then look at duct opening to see if saliva comes out.
If a patient comes to you with TMJ pain, in addition to socrates what do you enquire about/signs symptoms
- Range of opening
- Deviation/Deflection
- Tenderness
- Sounds
- Locking
- Muscles
- Bruxism
- Head/neck ache
- Occlusion
- Cardiovascular disease
Anatomical variant:
Small, painless, raised white or yellowing spot/bump on the oral mucosa (commonly on the buccal mucosa)
Fordyce Spots
(they are sebaceous glands)
What is this?

Fordyce Spots
Fissured Tongue is a anatomical variant which is hereditary and can often be seen in what condition?
Lingual, mandibular focal bone cavity seen on routine OPGs and a unilocular radiolucency beneath the ID nerve canal
Stafne bone cavity
Purplish/blue asymptomatic spots, usually in older peope.
What is the diffrence between direct and indirect immunofluorescence/
Direct- detects immune deposits in the tissues
Indirect - detects immune deposits in the blood
Ultra-sound Indications in the oral cavity:
- Evaluation of swelling of head and neck region (eg salivary glands, cervical lymph nodes, thyroid
- Detection of calculi
Gold standard imaging of TMJ: