Exam Revision Semester 1 Flashcards
What is income effect?
When price of good rises, consumers are not willing to buy as much of the good as their purcahsing power has decreased.
Example of income effect?
if you have 100 dollars and price of pizza is 10 dollars, your real income is 10 pizzas
What is substituition effect?
when price of good rises, other goods look more attractive as they are cheaper.
What is ceterus paribus
Law of demand
Non price factors affecting demand
Level of disposable income
Price of related goods
Tastes and preferences
Expectation of consumers
Demographic factors
What is law of supply?
as price of good rises quantity supplied will also rise
Non price factors affecting supply
coost of production
prices of other goods
number of sellers
expectation of producers
Total revenue formula
TR = Q times price
What is price discrimnation?
the action of selling the same product at different prices to different buyers, in order to maximize sales and profits.
Eg of price discrimantion?
Cinemas charge children and students low price and adult are charged are higher.
Factors affecting Price elasticity of demand?
availability of substiutes
whether good is neccessary or luxury
proportion of income spent
Determinants of supply elasticity
time - if time is not of essence of producer will be able to obtain more inputs and expand mor easily.
nature of industry - agricultural products tend to bbe more inelastic
What is excise tax?
Excise tax is tax on products like cigarettes, tobacco, petrol, alcohol.
How to find consumer surplus
CS = difference bbetween total benefits and expenditure
Basically if i willing to pay $50 and i actually pay $40 then consumer surplus is $10.
What is a rival good with an example
. A rival good is something that can only be possessed or consumed by a single user. Example is food.
What is non rival good with example
a good consumed y multiple people/users. Example lsitenign to the radio
Non excludable good +example
Non-excludable goods are public goods that cannot exclude a certain individual or group of individuals from using them. Example is a public road
What is excludable good+example
is a good that some people are restricted from using. Excludable goods are private goods, while non-excludable goods are public goods. Eg golf memberships and netflix subsription
What is public good
public good is a good that is both non-excludable and non-rivalrous. Use by one person neither prevents access by other people.
What is free rider good with example?
when people are benefiting from resources, goods, or services that they do not pay for. Example is using reacreational swimming pool witout paying.
Common resoruces def. Example is
The characteristics of common resources are that they are nonexcludable and that they are rival in consumption. eg public forests, clean air
Tragedy of commons def+example
where the individual consumes a resource at the expense of society. Example is overfishing.
What is Market effiecny
Market efficiency also occurs when resources are allocated to maximised society’s benefits
What demand cruve show
A demand curve is a willingness to pay curve. It reflects the maximum price that a consumer will pay for a good.
Eg of barriers to entry
echnolgoical adavance, patent, controlling of scare resource
What supply curve show
supply curve reflects the minimum price that producers are willing to sell their products