3. Production Possibility Frontier Flashcards
What is Oppurtunity Cost
Opportunity Cost occurs whenever a decision or choice is made.
What is PPF
Maximum production potential economy
What does PPF assume?
fixed or level if resources
technology is fixed
Economy produces 2 things (eg pizza and coke)
Formula for calc Oppurtunity Cost
Oppurtunity cost=what is given up/what is gained
Eg of oppurtunity cost
moves from 15million cans to 12 million cans so therefore moving from 0 to 2million pizzas
Oppurtnuity cost =3/2=1.5
Why is normal sahpe of PPF owed outwards
Due to law of increasing oppurtunity cost.
What is law of increasing oppurtunity cost?
: As you increase the production of one good, the opportunity cost to produce the additional good will increas
What is economic growth?
Economic growth refers to an increase in capacity of an economy to produce goods and services.
How can economic growth occur?
EG can occur as a result of an increase in the quantity of resources or the improvement in quality of resources