Exam Review Flashcards
Aldehyde/ketone (sugar)
Carboxylic acid (amino acids, fatty acids)
Carbohydrates Monomer and Bond
- Monosaccharides
- Glycosidic
Lipids Monomer and Bond
- Glycerol + fatty acid
- Ester
Nucleic Acid Monomer and Bond
- Nucleotides
- Phosphodiester
Passive Transport Types
- Simple diffusion
- Facilitated diffusion
- Osmosis
Movement of H2O from low to high
Channel Proteins
Allows ions, small polar molecules to pass through a channel
Carrier Proteins
Bind to specific molecule and deposits it in the cell
Hypertonic and Hypotonic
- Hyper: more C
- Hypo: less C
Active Transport Types
- Primary AT
- Secondary AT
- Membrane Assisted T
Membrane Assisted Transport Types
- Exocytosis: releases
- Endocytosis: absorbs (phagocytosis, pinocytosis)
Engulfs whole
Little particles and surrounds w/membrane
Cell Membrane Components
- Phospholipid bilayer
- Cholesterol
- Membrane proteins (integral & peripheral)
- Carbohydrates (glycolipids & glycoproteins)
Purpose of Cholesterol
Maintain fluidity
Factors that affect fluidity
- Temp
- Double bonds in fatty acid tail
- Fatty acid length (long tails have more attraction = less fluidity)
Fluid Mosaic Model
Membrane is collection of proteins, cholesterol, carbs, phospholipids
Cis and Trans bond
- Cis = bent, same sides
- Trans = straight, opp sides
Tendency to keep relative constant internal environment
Types of Feedback Systems
- Negative: reverses (pH, thermoregulation)
- Positive: increases (blood clotting, childbirth)
Stores secreted hormones
Types of hormones
- Steroid hormones
- Protein hormones
Steroid hormones
- lipid soluble
- diffuses into cell
Protein hormones
- water soluble
- binds to cell membrane receptors
- makes neurohormones that goes through portal vein into pituitary
- maintains motivational behavior (emotions, hunger)
Pituitary Gland
- anterior: makes regulatory hormones that’s released base on hypothalamus
- posterior: stores ADH & oxytocin from hypothalamus
Make T4, turns into T3
- Made of islets of langerhans
- Makes glucagon, insulin
Adrenal Glands
- Controls Stress
- Adrenal medulla (inner) = short term
- Adrenal cortex (outer) = long term
Schwann Cells
Make myelin sheath
Nodes of Ranvier
Space btwn schwann cells
Reflex Arc
Sensory > Spinal cord > Motor
Action Potential
Change in charge
less -ive
more -ive
Nerve Impulse Starts by
- Stimulus causing Na channels to open, depolarizing
- When it reaches -50mV, voltage gated Na channels open
Nerve Reaches Action Potential
- Na ions move in to +40mV
- Na channels closed, K channel opens
- K ions move out to -90mV
Refractory Period
- Na-K pumps repolarize membrane to -70mV
- Action potential at terminal causes Ca channel to open which vesicles release neurotransmitters into synaptic cleft
White & Grey Matter
- White = myelinated
- Grey = unmyelinated
Motor Neurons made of
Somatic + Autonomic
Kidney Layers
- Renal cortex = outer
- Renal medulla = inner
- Renal pelvis = core
Filtration in Kidneys
Glomerulus filters blood letting H2O, ions, amino acids and glucose to diffuse into Bowman’s capsule
Reabsorption in Kidneys
- Filtrate goes into proximal tubules
- Go into loop of Henle
- Enter distal tubules to concentrate waste
Proximal Tubules Reabsorption
- H2O = osmosis
- Glucose + amino acid = active transport
- Ions = ion pumps
Loop of Henle Reabsorption
- Descending: H2O moves out from C of Na & Cl
- Ascending: Na moved through active transport, Cl follows
Secretion in Kidneys
Excess substances are secreted at many pnts in nephron
Pathway of Urine
Distal tubules > Collecting ducts > Pelvis > Ureters > Bladder > Urethra
Anti-diuretic Hormone
Causes more reabsorption of H2O (less pee)
Nrg currency of the cell
2nd Law of Thermodynamics
Nrg can’t be turned into another form w/o loss of free nrg
Biological catalysts by lowering Ea
Substance catalyzed by enzyme
Enzyme-substrate complex
Substrate bonded to enzyme
Induced fit model
Active site adapts to fit substrate
Cofactors and Coenzymes
- Factors = inorganic (metals)
- Enzymes = organic (vitamins)
Allosteric Site
Regulates enzyme activity by changing active site
- Competitive: bind to active site
- Noncompetitive: binds to allosteric
Factors affecting enzyme acitivty
- Substrate concentration
- Enzyme concentration
- Temp & pH
Substrate level phosphorylation
ATP made by the help of enzyme
Movement of ions down electrochemical gradient (protein gradient used to do work)
Oxidative Phosphorylation
ATP made by the reduction of O2
Structure of Minotchondria
- Intermembrane space
- Cristae: folds in mitochondria
Cellular Respiration
- Catabolic
- ALL done by organism, except chemoautotrophs
- Add 2 ATPs to glucose
- Glucose splits into G3P & DHAP
- 2 Pi + & 2 NADH made
- Remove all the PO4 (4)
Glycolysis Products
- 2 pyruvate
- 2 ATP
- 2 NADH
Pyruvate Oxidation
- CO2 removed & NADH made
- CoA added
Pyruvate Oxidation Products
- 2 Acetyl CoA
- 2 NADH
- 2 CO2
Krebs Cycle
- Acetyl + oxaloacetate
- 2 CO2 & 2 NADH form
- 1 ATP made
- 1 NADH & 1 FADH made
Krebs Cycle Products
- 6 NADH
- 2 FADH
- 4 CO2
- 2 ATP
- NADH oxidizes 2e to NADH dehydrogenase
- E are passed through channels & cytochrome complex which pulls H across
- FADH dropped off at ubiquinone
- As H moves down gradient, it powers ATP synthase
- O2 + 2e + 2H = H2O
Total For Cellular Respiration
- 36 ATP
- 10 NADH
- 2 FADH
- CO2 & H2O
Lactate Fermentation
- Pyruvate reduced by NADH
- Lactic acid & NAD+ made
Ethanol Fermentation
- Pyruvate reduced
- CO2 released, NAD+ & ethanol made
Light absorbing pigment
Packet of nrg w/specific wavelength
Chlorophyll molecules & proteins in thylakoid membrane w/rxn centre & antenna complex
ATP made using sunlight
- Anabolic
- Regular photosynthesis done by C3 plants
Photosystem 2
- P690 e- excited
- Move through ETC, moving H ion stroma to lumen
- H2O split to replace e-
- O2 released, H go into lumen
Photosystem 1
- e- goes to P700, gets reexcited
- NADP reductase accepts e, making NADPH
- ATP made from H ions
Cyclic Photophorylation
Ferredoxin cycles back to 1st P680 complex to pump more H across
Carbon Fixation
- 3 CO2 + 2 RuBP by rubisco
- Breaks down into 6 PGA
Reduction Reactions in Calvin Cycle
- ATP & NADPH 2e- added to each PGa
- G3P made
Regeneration of RuBP
- 5 G3P turns into 3 RuBP using 3 ATP
- Last G3P combines w/another G3P to make glucose
O2 bonds w/rubisco
C4 Plants
Separate calvin cycle into bundle sheath cells
C4 Plant Photosynthesis
- In mesophyll, CO2 added to PEP by PEP carboxylase = oxaloacetate
- Oxaloacetate > malate
- Diffuses into bundle sheath & drops off CO2
- Turns back into PEP in mesophyll
CAM Plants
- At night, stomata open & +CO2 = malate in vacuole
- In day, photosynthesis happen w/supplies
DNA Replication Initation
- DNA helicase begins at OofR, unzips DNA strands
- Replication bubble & fork made
- SSbs proteins added to stop binding
- Topoisomerase cuts DNA, unwings and reattaches to relieve tension
DNA Replication Elongation and Termination
- RNA primers added
- DNA poly 3 adds bases, making lagging + leading strand
- DNA poly 1 removes primers & replaces them
- DNA ligase joins okazaki fragments
- DNA helix reforms
DNA Transcription
- Initiation: RNA poly binds to promoter region w/TATA box, unwinds DNA
- Elongation: RNA poly makes complementary mRNA on template strand
- Termination: termination sequence tells RNA poly to detach
mRNA Modication
- 5’ cap for ribosomal recognition
- 3’ poly A tail for stability
- Splicing: introns removed, exons pieced together by spliceosome
DNA Translation
- Initiation: ribosome attaches to mRNA (met)
- Elongation: 1st tRNA binds to p site, 2nd tRNA binds to a site
- Amino acids make peptide bond, moves to a site tRNA
- tRNA exits through e site, 2nd moves into p site
- Termination: mRNA reaches stop codon, release factor cuts polypeptide
Set of genes involved in same metabolic pathway w/operator
Lac Operon
- Negative
- No lactose = lac repressor active
- Yes lactose = lactose binds to repressor, going
Trp Operon
- Positive
- No tryptophan = repressor inactive
- Yes tryptophan = tryptophan binds to repressor protein, stopping
Point Mutations
- 1 bp change
- Misense: diff amino
- Nonsense: stop codon
- Frameshift: +/- BP
Large Scale Mutation
- Deletion
- Duplication
- Inversion
- Translocation
Inversion and Translocation
- Inversion: chromosome order swapped
- Translocation: added to another chromosome/misswapped w/another chromosome