Endocrine & Nervous System Flashcards
- Tendency for the body to maintain relative constant internal environment
- Dynamic process
Components of Feedback Systems
- Sensor
- Control centre
- Effector
Body structure that detects changes
Control Centre
- Body structure that set range which variable should be maintained
- Sends signals to effector when there are changes
Body structure that responds to signal from control centre to change
Negative Feedback System
- Works to reverse change
- Thermoregulation
- Blood glucose
- BP
- pH
Positive Feedback System
- Works to increase change
- Blood clotting
- Childbirth, cramps
Nervous System uses
Electrical signals (nerves)
Endocrine System uses
Chemical signals (hormones)
Secretes specific chemical
- Chemical made in glands that are secreted into blood
- Indirectly affect cells by initiating a series of events
Steroid Hormones
- Cholesterol
- Soluble in lipids
- Hormones binds to receptor inside nucleus to activate/inhibit gene
Protein Hormones
- Amino acid chain
- Soluble in water (insulin, GH)
- Hormones attaches to binds to cell membrane receptors to send signal for change
Hypothalamus makes & connects to
Neurohormones that move through portal veins into pituitary
Pituitary Gland, consists of
- Posterior lobe: stores ADH & oxytocin made by hypothalamus
- Anterior Lobe: makes its own hormones that are released under control of the hypothalamus
Thyroid Hormone
- Primary thyroid hormone = T4
- T4 turns into T3
- T4 finds when cells need to consume O2 & nutrients
Negative feedback loop for Thyroid
- T3 inhibits anterior pituitary
- T4 inhibits hypothalamus
Islets of Langerhans
- Endocrine cells in prancreas
- Alpha cells make glucagon
- Beta cells make insulin
Insulin works by
Decreasing lvls by makes cells put protein channels into membrane to allows glucose in through, facilitates diffusion
Glucagon works by
Increasing glucose levels
Adrenal Glands compose of
- Cortex: outer layer
- Medulla: inner layer
Adrenal medulla
- Short term stress
- Triggered by amygdala & hypothalamus
- Releases epinephrine
Adrenal cortex
- Long term stress
- Glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, gonadocorticoids
Coracoid hormones
- Mineralocoraticoids: increases BP
- Gondacorticoids: supplement sex hormones
- Glucocorticoids: increases sugar
Mineralocorticoids: Aldosterone
- Cholesterol hormone
- Reabsorption of Na through H2O to increas BP
Promotes secondary sexual characteristics
Glucocorticoids: Cortisol
- Cholesterol hormone
- ACTH from pituitary gland causes release of cortisol
- Cortisol raises sugar through breakdown of muscle protein into glucose