Exam Questions Flashcards
What is the process used to make a decision? (10 marks)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of making decisions in groups? (10 marks)
Is pay the only motivator? Critically discuss with references to Maslow and Herzberg theories (20 marks)
Explain the PESTLE model and provide examples of where an organisation might use this tool
Explain with reference to relevant theory what we mean by the term ‘perception’ and the impact it has upon communication? 20 marks
Examine the role that statistics can play in the property and construction industry ? 12 marks
Outline circumstances where organisations may choose not to use statistics ? 8 marks
Using appropriate theories and examples to support your answer, consider how an organisation can successfully manage change? 25 marks
Using an appropriate framework to underpin your answer, identify and explain the implications of the main external factors that will impact the built environment sector? 25 marks
Identify and explain the key roles delivered by an HR function under employee resourcing?
Identify and explain the key roles delivered by an HR function under employee development?
Identify and explain the key roles delivered by an HR function under employee relations?
Explain the difference between a group and a team? 10 marks
Discuss the key stages a team may progress through before it reaches optimum performance?
Explain the concept of delegation?
Outline the benefits of delegation for the the delegator and the delegate?
Explain with examples the key differences between a leader and a manager in the built environment? 25 marks
Devise a range of potential training and development solutions that may be available to a new entrant to a management role in the built environment ? 20 marks
Outline how a training and development plan can be created using a training needs analysis and skills assessment ?
How does perception impacts on communication?
What is needed to ensure that others understand what is being communicated?
Why are statistics used?
For planning and organising Used to summarise or describe a collection of data Graphical representation often simplified information and this aids decision making
What are inferential statistics?
Patterns in data may be modelled and are then used to draw inferences about the process or population being studied
Examples of statistical use in the construction industry?
Why are statistics not always used?
What is the decision making process?
Explain each stage of the decision making process 1- identify and diagnose the problem
Explain each stage of the decision making process 2 - develop alternatives
Explain each stage of the decision making process 3 - evaluate alternatives
Explain each stage of the decision making process 4- make and implement decisions
Explain each stage of the decision making process 5 - evaluate results
How is decision making affected when we have to include others?
Consequences of groupthink?
Discuss the core elements of a well planned, and executed planned change in your organisation
What are the key things found in successful planned change? What models are you familiar with in managing change? What things could prevent the planned change being successful, and what can managers do to minimise risk ? What aspect of the change need to be managed and why is that?
Why is HRM strategic department?
Strategic HRM takes it one step further than focusing on recruitment and training within an organisation, by aligning their goals with other departments, by attracting, developing and retaining employees for both the employee and organisation benefit. They do not work independently but interact and create strategy short, medium and long-term
Why is good communication at work essential?
What happens when effective communication doesn’t happen?
Why is psychology relevant to work?
What does perception have an influence on?
What might be the impact of having the wrong perception of somebody?
When might perception, communication, interpretation be used when recruiting a new member of staff
What makes HRM Strategic?
Development plans, looking into the future, looking years ahead
How can we tell if HRM is working well in our organisation?
What is the function and purpose of having groups and teams working in your organisation?
Why not simply have individuals doing their own work?
Are there advantages and disadvantages to groups and teams/teamworking?
Are there more or less meeting held because of groups?
Are groups always efficient?
What’s your experience of working in groups and teams?
Why Do team leaders fail?
Calling the performing unit a team but managing them individually Putting together a large group where structures and responsibilities are not clear Specifying challenging team objectives but not providing inadequate support incorrectly assuming members have the skills to work well as a team
How to remedy team leader fails?
Hold regular team reviews and ensure resources/support are available give individuals responsibilities but coordinate them, so individual efforts combine together create a well-designed team, ensure the team is balanced, and members provided with clear information carry out an audit of team skills, and recognise that there will be training and development needs
Give an example of groupthink at work?
What is Groupthink
What are the symptoms of Groupthink?
What are the consequences of Groupthink?
What are the 3 steps to avoid Groupthink?
What management skills will you need to use when managing change?
Leadership, decisive, communication plan, time management, reasoning, discipline, adaptability, empathy, support, truthful, integrity
is there a difference between managing and leading?
Benefits that should flow from an effectively managed process?
Imagine you’ve been asked to plan an office move from one building to another what type of questions need to be asked before you do anything?
Time, location, costs, feasible, budget, why are we moving, when are we moving, what work needs to be done, whos doing the work, how will work be done. how far new location, staff travel times increased, employment law
What happens when no, or the wrong information is collected to monitor performance?
What is a good manager
Give an example of an organisation who reminds you of Taylors thinking?
What type of work is suited to Taylors approach of management?
Was Taylor right or wrong about his scientific approach to managing?
Is there much listening and sharing of ideas with a Taylor style of managing people?
Why do we need to study motivation theory?
to help you as a manager to improve the professional relationships and interacting with your people. To appreciate each person is different, motivated by different things, and managers need to use a different approach with each team member To discover what works and why? build managers skills and improve individual and team motivation
What motivates people in your work?
How can, or why should a manger try to motivate his/her people?
responsibility, respect, goals, rewards
How to motivate ‘I don’t have any aspirations or vision of developing my career’
How to motivate business seems to be quiet, rumours are redundancies may soon be announced, I’m feeling insecure
How to motivate I work hard, stay late, and meet all my work tasks, but my line manager never thanks me or shows any appreciation
How to motivate I feel stuck in this job with no chance for worthwhile training and development to prepare me for promotion opportunities in the future
How to motivate I feel overworked and underpaid. Why bother trying to get on top of the work
Why should you spend time having a conversation with top performing team member?
Why talk to underperforming team members?
What does motivation mean?
How can managers improve their staff motivation levels?
show you know one or two theories Taylors rational man - people only respond to financial rewards Maslow hierarchy of needs - there are different needs and why it goes from top to bottom Hertzberg 2 factor theory - what can we/managers learn from the theory david mcclelland - 3 different types of needs that individuals have
If managers can improve the motivation of their direct reports, then how might this: improve team performance The overall organisation
jobs being done in a timely manner, quicker and better than before, improves the organisation’s reputation
Discuss the core elements of a well planned, and executed planned change in your organisation?