Exam 7 51-116 (Finish) Flashcards
Slide 51, 52
Female external genitalia
The ___refers to the external genitalia of the female
vulva (pudendum)
Vulva includes?
Mons pubis
Labia majora
Labia minora
Paraurethral (Skene’s) glands
Greater vestibular (Bartholin’s) glands
Corpus spongiosum (bulb of the vestibule)
Corpus cavernosum
adipose tissue, cushions pubic symphysis
Mons pubis
Covered by pubic hair, composed of adipose tissue, sebaceous glands, sudoriferous glands
Homologous to the scrotum
Labia majora
Devoid of pubic hair and fat, few sudoriferous glands
Contains many sebaceous glands
Homologous to spongy (penile) urethra
Labia minora
Contains erectile tissue (corpora cavernosa) and numerous blood vessels and nerves
Prepuce- layer of skin formed at the point where labia minora unite, covers body of clitoris
Exposed portion of clitoris is called the
glans clitoris
vaginal orifice
external urethral orifice
openings of ducts of several glands
comprise the?
Glands of the vestibule?
Paraurethral (Skene’s) glands
Greater vestibular (Bartholin’s) glands
lateral to urethral orifice
secrete mucous
embedded in the wall of the urethra.
Paraurethral (Skene’s) glands
lateral to vaginal orifice
produce mucous during sexual arousal to provide lubrication
Greater vestibular (Bartholin’s) glands
Has two masses of erectile tissue that engorge during sexual arousal to narrow the vaginal orifice applying pressure to the penis during intercourse
Corpus spongiosum (Bulb of the vestibule)
Erectile and very sensitive tissue that fill with blood during sexual arousal as well
Corpus Cavernosum
Distal portion of this is the clitoris
Corpus Cavernosum
Slide 56-59
External genitalia
Diamond shaped area medial to thighs and buttocks
Both males and females
Contains external genitalia and anus
Anterior aspect of perineum?
pubic symphysis
Lateral aspect of perineum?
Ischial tuberosity
A transverse line drawn from one tuberosity to the other divides this (perineum) diamond into the
Urogenital triangle
Anal triangle
posterior aspect of perinuem?
Slides 61,62
More pictures
Mammary glands lie anterior to the pectoralis major and _____ muscles
serratus anterior
Each breast is a hemispheric projection of variable size
series of closely spaced openings where milk emerges from
Lactiferous Ducts
Nipple- Each breast has one pigmented projection
Circular pigmented skin surrounding nipple
Areola appears rough as it contains
modified sebaceous glands
run between breast skin and fascia
Cooper’s Ligaments
Become looser with excess age or strain (ie:jogging)
Cooper’s Ligaments
Mammary gland- each breast contains __(#) gland?
Lobes (compartments)- each gland contains ___(#)?
Each lobe has several lobules… what’s found within lobules that secrete milk?
synthesis, secretion, and ejection of milk
Functions of mammary glands
Milk production stimulated by?
Milk ejection stimulated by?
Slide 66
Slide 67 for male/female comparison
Nonpregnant females experience cyclical changes in the ovaries and uterus. Each cycle takes approximately?
one month (24-36 days)
The cycle involves ___ and preparation by the uterus to receive a fertilized ovum
Hormones from the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary and ovaries control these processes
Two cycles of female reproductive cycles?
Ovarian cycle
Uterine cycle
includes changes that occur during and after maturation of the oocyte
Ovarian cycle
involves changes in the endometrium that prepare it for implantation of the developing embryo
If fertilization does not occur, the ovarian hormones recede and cause sloughing of the stratum functionalis
Uterine cycle
Released from the hypothalamus
Controls both the ovarian and uterine cycles
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
Stimulates release of LH and FSH
Stimulates ovarian follicles to produce estrogen
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
Initiates follicular growth
Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Androgens (made by ___) taken up by the granulosa cells and turned into estrogen (under influence of___)
Stimulates further development of ovarian follicles
Stimulates theca cells to produce androgens
Luteinizing Hormone
Luteinizing Hormone Stimulates ___ cells to produce androgens
triggers ovulation (mid-cycle)
Luteinizing Hormone
triggers ovulation (mid-cycle)
Then forms the corpus luteum (which then secrete other hormones)
Luteinizing Hormone
After being triggered by LH, Corpus luteum then produces and secretes
Relaxin*-Very small amounts produced unless fertilization occurs
Inhibin*-Very small amounts produced unless fertilization occurs
What hormone promotes development and maintenance of:
Reproductive structures
2° sex characteristics
Distribution of adipose tissue in breasts, abdomen, mons pubis, hips
Voice pitch
Broad pelvis
Pattern of hair growth (head and body)
2° sex characteristics
from estrogen
Increases protein anabolism
(Includes building of strong bones
Synergistic with hGH)
Lower blood cholesterol
Thought to be the reason most women under 50 have lower risk of coronary artery disease compared to men
Moderate levels of estrogen in blood inhibit release of GnRH and secretion of FSH/LH
Secreted mainly by cells of the corpus luteum
Small portion by the cumulus cells surrounding the ovulated oocyte
Synergistic with estrogen to prepare and maintain endometrium
Helps to prepare the mammary glands for milk secretion
High levels of ____ also inhibit secretion of GnRH and LH
Small amount produced by corpus luteum each month
Relaxes the uterus by inhibiting contractions
Thought to help “quiet” the uterus to make it a better environment for implantation
During pregnancy, placenta produces much more of this which helps stave off uterine contractions
Thought to help increase flexibility of pubic symphysis and help dilate cervix during labor
Secreted by granulosa cells (of growing follicles) and corpus luteum after ovulation
Inhibits secretion of FSH and (too a lesser extent) LH
Almost negligible unless pregnancy occurs?
Inhibin, relaxin
Slide 77…
4 phases of reproductive cycle
Lasts roughly first 5 days of cycle (1st day of menstruation is first day of new cycle)
Lasts roughly from day 6-13 of cycle
Occurs roughly on day 14 or 15
Occurs roughly from day 15-28
Menstrual and preovulatory phases AKA?
follicular phase
Ovulation and postovulatory phases AKA?
= luteal phase
Preovulatory phase AKA?
= proliferative phase
Because of the proliferation of the endometrial lining
Postovulatory phase AKA?
Postovulatory phase = secretory phase
Because of the secretion of glycogen by the secretory glands of the endometrium
Slide 77, 81 for learning
learning occured
Events in the OVARIES for menstrual?
Increased FSH starts the progression of primordial follicles into primary follicles
These primary follicles continue maturing
Menses- 50-150mL of blood, tissue fluid, mucus and epithelial cells shed from endometrium
Declining levels of ___ and ____ cause release of prostaglandins
(Events in the Uterus for menstrual phase)
Prostaglandins cause ____ to constrict
_____ feed the stratum functionalis layer
When these cells are oxygen deprived, they start to die
The dying of these cells forces the stratum functionalis layer to slough off causing _____?
(Events in the Uterus for menstrual phase)
spiral arterioles
Spiral arterioles
The primary follicles have matured into secondary follicles in this phase
These secondary follicles start to secrete?
(events in the ovaries for Preovulatory phase)
estrogen and inhibin
Approximately on day 10, one of the secondary follicles has outgrown all others to become the dominant follicle
The estrogen and inhibin secreted by the dominant follicle decreases the release of?
This causes other less-developed follicles to stop growing, which forces them to undergo atresia
(events in the ovaries for Preovulatory phase)
The dominant follicle becomes the mature (graafian) follicle
What phase?
Preovulatory phase (in ovaries)
This continues to develop until it is approximately 20mm in diameter and ready for ovulation
As this process continues, estrogen production is increased as the size of the follicle increases
Mature follicle AKA
Events in the Uterus (ovulation phase)
Lining is continuing to?
Arterioles continuing to lengthen, coil and imbed deeper into endometrium
a home test kit can detect the surge of __signaling ovulation has occurred during this phase
a home test kit can detect the surge of __signaling ovulation has occurred during this phase
Events in ONE Ovary post ovulatory phase..
After ovulation, the mature (graafian) follicle collapses
Basement membrane between the theca interna and granulosa cells breaks down
These cells mix and become ____ cells under the influence of LH
corpus luteum
Events in ONE Ovary post ovulatory phase..
LH stimulates these corpus luteum cells (collectively known as corpus luteum) to secrete (4 hormones)?
Events in ONE Ovary post ovulatory phase.. NOT fertilized…
The corpus luteum has a two week lifespan
The secretory activity (hormones) decline at this time forcing it to degenerate into?
corpus albicans
Events in ONE Ovary post ovulatory phase.. NOT fertilized…
As levels of progesterone, estrogen, inhibin (go up or down?), release of GnRH, FSH, LH rise due to loss of negative feedback
____ growth resumes and a new ovarian cycle resumes
Events in ONE Ovary post ovulatory phase.. NOT fertilized…
As levels of progesterone, estrogen, inhibin (go up or down?), release of GnRH, FSH, LH rise due to loss of negative feedback
____ growth resumes and a new ovarian cycle resumes
Events in ONE Ovary post ovulatory phase.. fertilized…
Once sperm penetrates the ___, it signals the secondary oocyte to complete meiosis II
zona pellucida
Events in ONE Ovary post ovulatory phase.. fertilized…
This produces the mature ovum and a __ __ ___
The sperm will penetrate the cytoplasm of the ovum
This causes two pronuclei to form and fuse restoring the diploid chromosome number
second polar body
Events in ONE Ovary post ovulatory phase.. fertilized…
The corpus luteum persists past it’s 2-week lifespan by being rescued by (hormone)?
___ is produced by the chorion of the embryo beginning about 8 days after fertilization
human chorionic gonadotropic (hCG)
Like LH, __ stimulates secretory activity of the corpus luteum
Presence of ___ in maternal blood or urine is indicator of pregnancy
Postovulatory Phase events in the uterus…
Progesterone and estrogen produced by corpus luteum cause what three things in the uterus?
Promote growth and coiling of the endometrial glands
Vascularization of the superficial endometrium
Thickening of the endometrium (12-18mm)
Postovulatory Phase events in the uterus…
These preparatory changes peak about 1 week after ovulation as this signals the arrival of the possibly fertilized ovum into the uterus
If fertilization does not occur, levels of ___ and ___ decline due to degeneration of the corpus luteum
progesterone and estrogen
Postovulatory Phase events in the uterus…
These preparatory changes peak about 1 week after ovulation as this signals the arrival of the possibly fertilized ovum into the uterus
If fertilization does not occur, levels of progesterone and estrogen decline due to degeneration of ?
corpus luteum
Withdrawal of estrogen and progesterone cause?
and physiology with appropriate timelines…
Slide 98 might be helpful for learning
hormones and stuff
4 stages of female sex response
Excitement phase (mainly parasympathetic response)
Plateau Phase (mainly parasympathetic response)
Orgasm phase (sympathetic response)
Resolution phase (sympathetic response)
Increased sexual tension Deep breathing Increased HR Increased BP Skin flush Vaginal engorgement of labia and clitoris Vaginal “sweating” (transudative lubrication) Secretions from Bartholin’s glands
Excitement phase (mainly parasympathetic response)
Excitement phase Secretions from what gland?
Bartholin’s glands
Marked vasoconstriction
“Sex flush” (rash on breasts, chest, epigastric area)
Engorgement of lower 1/3 of vagina, narrowing diameter
Plateau Phase (mainly parasympathetic response)
Dilation of upper 2/3rds of vagina
Continued vaginal “sweating”
Continued clitoral swelling
Plateau Phase (mainly parasympathetic response)
Release of tension
Rhythmic myotonic contractions
Contractions of peri-vaginal muscles and anal sphincter
Uterine contractions
Orgasm phase (sympathetic response)
Some is urine
Some is prostate specific antigen from skene’s glands which are homologous to prostate
Some is Bartholin gland secretion
Not all women have ability to produce copious amounts
Female ejaculation – Does it exist?
Return to pre-excitement state
Personal satisfaction and well-being
New excitement cycles may be started
Resolution phase (sympathetic response)
Restricting the number of children conceived by various methods
No single, ideal method of birth control exists
Only 100% reliable method???
Birth Control
Birth Control… Several methods exist
Surgical sterilization Hormonal methods Intrauterine devices (IUD’s) Spermicides Barrier methods Periodic abstinence
Renders an individual incapable of further reproduction…if it works
Surgical Sterilization
Males- Vasectomy…
portion of each ____ is removed
Two places tied, sutured, and then middle cut out
ductus (vas) deferens
Males- Vasectomy…
Sperm production continues in the testes but they can no longer reach the exterior
Sperm degenerate and destroyed by?
Males- Vasectomy…
Blood vessels are not cut, so ___ levels remain the same
If done correctly, this procedure is nearly 100% effective
Females- tubal ligation
Tubes are tied and cut, cauterized or clamped/clipped
These processes are to prevent the ___ from passing through the tubes or sperm from getting to the oocyte in the tubes
secondary oocyte
Irreversible procedure as alternative to tubal ligation
Coil inserted into the tubes which causes scar tissue to form
Non-incisional Sterilization
Oral Contraceptives…
Contain hormones designed to prevent pregnancy. Some contain just ____ (hormone with actions similar to progesterone)
Oral Contraceptives…
Thicken ___ to block sperm
Also block implantation in the uterus
cervical mucous
Oral Contraceptives…
Some contain both estrogen and progestin.
The combined forms inhibit ovulation by suppressing the?
Low levels of ___ prevents development of dominant follicle in ovary
Regulation of length of menstrual cycle
Decreased menstrual flow (decreased risk of anemia)
Provides protection against endometrial and ovarian cancers
Reduces risk of endometriosis
Noncontraceptive benefits
Noncontraceptive Risks?
May not be advised for women with history of blood clotting disorders, cerebral blood vessel damage, migraine headaches, hypertension, liver malfunction, heart disease
Made of plastic, copper, or stainless steel
Inserted into the internal os of the uterus
Prevents sperm from entering uterus
Foams, creams, jellies, suppositories and douches that contain sperm-killing agents
Make the vagina unfavorable for sperm survival
Available without prescription
Male condom Female condom Diaphragm Cervical cap (more rigid than diaphragm)
Barrier Methods
In addition to preventing pregnancy, certain barrier methods can prevent against STI’s
Periodic Abstinence… rhythm method?
Abstaining when pregnancy chances are highest (3 days before, day of and 3 days after ovulation)
Periodic Abstinence… Sympto-thermal method
understanding signs of ovulation such as increased basal body temp, stretchy cervical mucous, and pain with ovulation (mittelschmerz)
Spontaneous abortion?
Naturally occurring, miscarriage
Premature expulsion of conception products from the uterus (usually before 20th week of pregnancy)
Spontaneous abortion
Abortion can be intentionally induced/performed by?
Medications such as mifepristone (anti-progestin)
Vacuum aspiration
Dilation and evacuation
Late-stage abortion
With age, fertility decreases in both males and females
Between 40-50 years old, ovarian pool is exhausted
Production of ___ declines no matter how much FSH/LH is released from ant. pit
Hot flashes and heavy sweating start to occur from the surge of GnRH
Other symptoms of ____ include headaches, hair loss, vaginal dryness, insomnia, depression, weight gain, mood swings
With loss of estrogen, decrease in bone mineral density occurs
Healthy men maintain their reproductive capabilities into?
Age 50-55 men begin decrease in testosterone synthesis….
Can lead to?
reduced muscle strength, fewer viable sperm, reduced libido
Age 60 potentially brings increase in prostate size 2-4x’s normal called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)….
Decreases size of prostatic urethra causing frequent urination, bed wetting, hesitancy in urination, decreased force of stream, postvoiding dribbling