Exam 7 Flashcards
- Humans are the only natural host for
N. gonorrhoeae
- N. gonorrhea is asymptomatic in what sex/ gender
- What special considerations for Neisseria species
Very fastidious, sensitive to drying and need to be warm. Need nylon or dacron swabs not cotton, CO2 system JEMBEC, choc or MTM agar
- What organisms cannot grow in anaerobic bottle because SPS is bactericidal to it
Neisseria species
- Organism taken from a genitourinary swap that has a kidney shape
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- Organism that can be tested for various genes from a first morning urine using filmarrary method
N/ meningitidis
- What organisms grow best under capnophilic conditions 3% to 7%
- Oxidase pos, GN diplococci from genital site
N. gonorrhea
- Oxidase +, GN diplococci, butyrate esterase +, eye or ear site
M. catarrhalis
- Oxidase +, GN diplococci, from CSF
N. meningitidis
- Vaccine to prevent meningitis in adolescents and young adults A, C W and Y
N. meningitidis
- Organism with narrow temp range of 35-37
N species
- What are the contents of JEMBEC
Citric acid and sodium bicarbonate
- Waterhouse Frederichsen syndrome
N. meningitidis rare syndrome that creates adrenal gland issues
- Fever, frontal headache, stiff neck, photophobia, hearing loss and brain damage
Signs and symptoms of meningitis
- Pt has purpura with petechial skin rash, Oxidase +, GN diplococci
Meningococcoemia- N. meninigitidis sepsis
- What is Waterdouse Frederishsen syndrome and what organism causes it
N. meninigitidis, hemorrhage in adrenal glands, hemorrhage
- What is the treatment for Meningococcemia
3rd gen cephalosporin ceptraixone
- Organism that is normal oral flora in dogs
N. weaver
- Organism that is normal microbiota or the upper respiratory tract
M. catarrhalis
- M. catarrhalis is resistant to penicillin due to its
B lactam positivity
- The Dnase is good for distinguishing
M. catarrhalis + and Neisseria –
- Haemophilus species that have the Para prefix only require which factor
- What air conditions do haemophilus need
5% to 7% CO2
- What do factor X and V mean, what organism is it referring to
Haemophilus, X= heme V= NAD
- Will haemophilus grow on BAP/ SBA? Choc?Why?
BAP- No growth- NAD hydrolyzes factor V, Haemophilus is not able to use it
Choc- Yes- made of boiled RBCs allowing factor X and V to release and be used
- Organism that is tan or brown that grows on choc, but not on MAC, SBA
- Which Haemophilus species will demonstrate hemolysis on Horse/ rabbit BA?
H. Haemolyticus and H. parahaemolyticus
- Describe how the 2 haemophilus species that grow on Horse/ rabbit SB look on the plate
o Parahaemolyticus: beta light
o Haemolyticus: slightly stronger beta
- Explain what the porphyrin test is, what organism is it for
Detects the ability for an organism to synthesize its own
X factor with d-ALA. -produces porphobilinogen
H. parainfluenzae (+ does not need factor X) and H. influenzae (- needs but does not make a factor X), shows red orange under UV light if growing
- What organisms can rapid NH help ID
Haemophilus species
- What organism smells mousy or like bleach
Haemophilus influenzae
- Which strain of Haemophilus influenzae has a vaccine
B- it’s the most invasive
- Epiglottitis
Airway is obstructed, H. influenzae encapsulated
- What organism can cause a rare endocarditis after a dental procedure
H. parainfluenzae
- What organism causes Brazilian purpuric fever
H influenzae aegyptius, occurs after conjunctivitis in kids
- Organism with gram stain that looks like a school of fish from a genital swab
H. ducreyi
What are Achromobacter and others normally resistant to
Beta lactams- penicillin, cephalosporin, carbapenems
What organisms are in HAECK
Haemophilus, Aggregatibacter aphrophilus, Aggregatibacter actino…, cardiobacterium, Eikenella corrodens, Kingella kingae
Organism that is recovered from human bites and clenched fist wounds
Eikenella corrodens
Organism with fruity odor and reduces nitrate to nitrite
A. faecalis
Organism that pits agar
Organism that is pale pink on SBA
Organism that grows on MAC
Organism that looks wrinkled
Neisseria sicca
Organism that moves like a hockey puck
Organism that smells like apple cider
Alcaligenes faecalis
Organism that looks moist with a greenish cast
N. meningitidis
Organism that can cause chancroid- a genital ulcer-
H. ducreyi
Organism associated with ear infection
Moraxella catarrhalis
Organisms that causes DGI disseminated gonococcal infection
red dots in back of throat
N. gonorrhoeae
Organism known to cause pink eye
H. aegyptius
Only haemophilus species that is not normal flora
H. ducreyi