Exam 5-Gas exchange Flashcards
Gas Exchange Definition
process by which oxygen is transported to cells and CO2 is transported from cells
rhonchi breath sounds
continuous, low-pitched sounds during expiration- like snoring or gurgling
stridor lung sounds
high pitched squeaking or whistle
3 types of pneumonia
- community acquired
- nosocomial
- ventilator-associated
ventilator associated pneumonia is contracted when?
48 hours after admission
aspiration pneumonia happens how
-and where should you auscultate at
pulmonary aspiration: material from oropharynx enters lower respiratory tract
auscultate under pt’s R arm near auxilla (R middle lobe)
pneumonia sx’s
- cough (productive or not)
- dyspnea
- hemoptysis
- decrease exercise tolerance
- myalgias
- headache
- earache
- chest pain with deep breaths
pneumonia signs
- fever
- tachypnea
- using accessory muscles
- tachycardia
- crackles
- increased fremitus (lung vibration sounds)
pneumonia tx
- abx
- oxygen (NC or mask)
- IV fluids is dehydrated
- branchodilators, antipyretics
NC flow rate
1-6 L /min
High flow NC
up to 60L /min- can be humidified
Simple mask flow rate
and FiO2
FiO2= 35-50%
Non-rebreather masks flow rate
and FiO2
minimum of 10-15 L/min
FiO2= 60-80%
Partial rebreather mask
and FiO2
10-15L/ min
FiO2= 35-50%
Venturi mask flow rate
and FiO2
different adaptors for flow rates (set by RT)
FiO2= 24-60%