exam 5 Flashcards
cardiovascular system
blood vessels
exchange kf gases
perfusion- blood to tissues
away from heart
blood back to heart
sites of exchange of gases
left and right atrium
recieve blood
l and r ventricles
pump blood out of heart
oxygenated blood
left side
depxygenated blood
right side
pulmonary trunk
transport blood out of R ventricles
splits into pulmonary arteries
only artery with depxygenated blood
pulmomary artery
transports blood out of left ventricle
superior and inferior vena cava
empty deoxygenated blood into R atrium
pulmonary veins
empty oxygenated blood into L atrium
right AV valve
left AV valve
semilunar valve
prevent backflow
ventricles and arterial trunk
pulmonary SL valve
R ventricle and pulmonary trunk
aortic SL valve
L ventricle and aorta
pulmonary circulation
right side
deoxygenated from R side to lungs
lungs pick up o2 and release co2
return to L side
systemic circulation
left side
moves oxygenated blood from L side to systemic cells
systemic cells exchange
return to R side
heart location
left rotated
base- trunks
apex- bottom
three layered sac around heart
fibrous pericardium
outermost covering.
dense irregular CT- inelastic
prevents overfilling
parietal layer of serous pericardium
attaches to fibrous pericardium
visceral layer of serous pericardium
attached directly to heart
superficial features of heart
grooves contain coronary vessels supply bloodnto heart wall
simple squamous ET and CT
cardiac muscle
pumps blood
internal and external surface valves
simple squamous ET and CT
continous lining with blood vessels
pectinate muscles
R atrium
risges on anterior wall within auricle
fossa ovalis
oval depression on interatrial septum
fetal foramen ovale
flap of tissue on outside of atrium
trabeculae carnae
irregualr muscular risdes in ventricle wall
papillary muscles
cone shaped projection extending from interal ventricle wall
attach to chordaw tendinae
chordaw tendinae
thin collagen fibers attach to AV valvr
L atrium
pectinate muscles in auricle
entrance from pulmonary veins
L ventricle
traveculae carnae on internal
two papillary muscles anchor chordae tendinae
AV valves close when
ventricles contract to push blood up
how many cusps in SL valve
cardiac muscle
1 or 2 nuclei
t-tubules and SR
myofilaments form sarcomeres
intercalated discs
gap junctions
electrically join cells to make each chamber a functional unti
metabolism for cardiac muscle
high demand for energy
extensive blood supply
numerous mitochondria
myoglobin and creatine kinase
fibrous skeleton
dense irregualr CT
electrical insulator preventing ventricles from contracting at same time as atria
coronary circulation
deliveres blood to hearts myocardium
R and L cornary arteries
aortic valve
blood flow around heart
vessels open when heart relaxed
conduction system
inisted and conducts electrical events to ensure proper timing of contractions
SA node
R atrium
AV node
R atrium
AV bundle
extends from AV node thro septum
L and R bundles
purkinje fibers
extends from bundles at apex
walls of ventricles
cardiac center of medulla oblongata
recieves signals from baroreceptors and chemoreceptors
sends signals via symp and parasymp
modifies cardiac activity
influence rate and force of contraction
parasympathetic innervation of heart
decreases heart rate
starts at medulla
relayed via vagus
sympathetic innervation
imcrease heart rate and force
starts at medulla
relayed via symp neurons
nodal cells
SA node initiate heartbeat
spontaneously depolarizr amd generatr ap
reaching threshold
voltage gated Na open
Na flows in
voltage gated Ca open
Ca flows in
Ca cloes
volatage gate K open
K flows out
restote RMP
spread of action potential
start at SA node
ap enters atria reaches AV node (contract)
ap delayed at AV node (fill ventricles)
ap travels through AB bundle to purkinje fibers
ap enters ventricles (contract)
p wave
atrial depolarization
qrs complex
ventricular depolarization
t wave
ventriculae repolarization
pr interval
begin p wage to qrs deflection
atrial depol to ventricles depol
transmit ap to entire conduction system
qt interval
begin qrs to end of t wave
time of ventricles ap
ventricular contraction
raises ventricular pressure
AV valves pushed closed
SL valves pushed open and blood ejected to artery
ventricular relaxation
lowers ventricular pressure
SL valves close
AV open
events of cardiac cycles
rest blood enter atria passive filling of ventricles (AV open) atria contraction, ventricles fill atria relax ventricles contract AV open ventricles eject SL open
stroke volume
amount of blood ejected by ventricles each beat
end systolic volume
amount of blood remaining in ventriclrs after contraction
isovolumetric relaxation
ventricles relax and expand
lower pressure
blood closes SL valves
ventricular balance
equal amounts of blood are pumped by left and right side of heart
cardiac output
amount of blood pumped by single ventricle in one minute
heart rate and stroke volume
meet tissue needs
cardiac reserve
capacity to increase cardiac output above rest level
chronotrooic agents
change heart rate
postivie chronotropic agents
increase heart rate
symp stimulation, NE release on heart
negstive chronotropic agents
decrease heart rate
parasymp, release AcH
opens K channels. hyperpolarize
stroke volume influenced by
venius return
venous return
volume of blood returned to heart
directly related to stroke volume
determines preload
frank sterling law
EDG increase, greater stretch of wall
contracts more forcefully when filled with more blood so stroke volume increas
resistance in arteries to ejection of blood by ventricles
pressure exceeded before blood ejected
atherosclerosis increase afterload
decrease stroke volume
space inside of a vessel
three layers of walls of vessel
tunica initma
tunica media
tunica externa
tunica intima
endothelium of simple squamous epithelium
tunica media
middle layer
circular layers of smooth muscle with elastic fibers
tunica externa
outermost layer
areolar CT with elastic and collagen fibers
companion vessel
arteries and veins serving same body region
vessel layers of arteries
thicker tunica media
narrow lumen
resistant to pressure
elastic and collagen fibers
vessel layers of veins
thicker tunica externa
larger lumen
less collagen and elastic fibers
wall collapses when empty
vessel layer of capillaries
only tunica intima
endothelium and basement membrane
thin walls allows easy gas exchange
elastic arteries
large proportion of elastic fibers to stretch and recoil
helps propel blood during diastole
muscular arteries
allows vasoconstriction and dilation
smallest arteries
vasomotor tone in medulla
regulate systemic blood pressure and blood flow
capillary characterisitcs
connect arterioles and venules
RBC travel single file
thin wall fro gas exchange
capillary beds
group of capillaries
fed by arteriole
precapillary sphincter
smooth muscle ring
relaxs to permit blood into capillaries
contraction causes blood to bypass bed
amount of blood entering capillaries per unit of time
smallest veins
companion vessels with arterioles
merge to form veins
systemic veins act as
blood reservoirs
most blood in systemic veins
portal system
two capillary beds in sequnce
substance leave or enter blood according to their concentration gradient (high to low)
bulk flow
fluids flow down pressure gradient
movement direction depends on net pressure of opposing forces
diffusion of oxygen, hormones, nutrients
move from blood to ISF
diffusion of co2 and wastes
from tissue to blood
fluid moves out of blood
easily flow through capillaries
arterial end
fluid moves back into blood
venus end